Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #452
Writing Interventions from Middle School to Middle Age
Monday, May 26, 2008
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
Williford C
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Sheila R. Alber-Morgan (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Writing is a synergy of complex skill, and thus difficult to teach. Writing poses a problem for people of all ages and skill levels. In this symposium, we will discuss interventions that were aimed at improving writing fluency, handwriting legibility, writing quality, and scholarly productivity. Interventions were aimed at improving skills across a wide range of ages (e.g., middle school through middle age) and ability levels (e.g., severe mental retardation, learning disabilities, at-risk, typically developing college professors).
The WIP (Writing Intervention Project) for Middle School.
TERRI HESSLER (The Ohio State University, Newark), Moira Konrad (The Ohio State University), Sheila R. Alber-Morgan (The Ohio State University), Madoka Itoi (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Two inclusion classrooms and one Resource Room in a low achieving urban school participated in this study. A multiple baseline design across groups of students was used to determine the effects of a direct instruction curriculum, Expressive Writing Level 2, on writing quality and fluency. Specifically, the curriculum based measures—total words written and correct word sequences—were examined in weekly, three minute writing probes across the school year. Implications for practice and research will be discussed.
Improving Handwriting of High School Students with Mild to Moderate Developmental Disabilities Using Repeated Practice.
EDWARD D. PARKER (The Ohio State University), Helen I. Cannella-Malone (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: The practice of handwriting has often been ignored or overlooked as students progress through their educational careers. When students reach high school, little or no time is spent on handwriting instruction, yet the research shows that legible handwriting can aid students in academic studies and in the working world. This study utilized repeated practice with mini-lessons to improve handwriting legibility. Three students identified with mild-moderate disabilities were selected from an urban high school. The students attended sessions three to four days a week for 15 to 30 min blocks of time. A multiple baseline across letter categories was employed. The data were studied and the findings and results are discussed. This intervention was successful, because all three participants made gains in handwriting accuracy.
A Review of the Writing Intervention Literature for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.
MOIRA KONRAD (The Ohio State University), Laurice Joseph (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Students with disabilities are increasingly held to higher academic standards. We conducted a comprehensive review of the literature and found a paucity of published studies investigating the effects of writing interventions for children and young adults with intellectual disabilities. Results indicated that students with intellectual disabilities (up to age 18) can learn written communication skills with the appropriate instruction and accommodations. Discussion will focus on the need for further investigation in this area and recommendations for practitioners.
Self-Management of Scholarly Productivity in Higher Education.
TERRI HESSLER (The Ohio State University, Newark), Helen I. Cannella-Malone (The Ohio State University), Sheila R. Alber-Morgan (The Ohio State University), Moira Konrad (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Four tenure-track faculty at a research extensive institution examined the effects of various self-management techniques on writing productivity over one academic year. Interventions were individualized and included some or all of the following: goal setting, public posting, group contingencies, self-graphing, and using a clock light. Practical tips and suggestions will be provided and audience participation will be encouraged.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh