Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Fourth International Conference; Australia, 2007

Event Details

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Paper Session #18
International Paper Session - Clinical Behaviour Analysis
Monday, August 13, 2007
1:00 PM–1:50 PM
L4 Room 1
Area: CBM
Chair: JoAnne Dahl (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
ACT and the Treatment of Chronic Pain.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JOANNE DAHL (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
Abstract: ACT is used effectively to help clients who are "stuck" in symptoms such as chronic pain get loose and develop flexibility and move on..This paper will demonstrate the ACT model of how chronic pain develops as well as how it can be treated. It will include demonstrations of the core ACT components of values, acceptance, defusion, exposure and commitment. RCT study will be shown.
A Life Incongruent with Values: Examining the Physiological Response to Facing Your Behavior.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
ANN BRANSTETTER-ROST (Missouri State University), Tanya N. Douleh (Missouri State University), Christopher C. Cushing (Missouri State University)
Abstract: A primary tenet of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is that if an individual consistently engages in behavior which is not congruent with stated values, psychological distress is likely to occur, triggering the occurrence of other potentially maladaptive avoidance behaviors, which serve to protect the individual from confronting their incongruence. Our previous research supports the idea that behavioral incongruence is highly related to psychological distress. The current study provides a follow-up, addressing the physiological and psychological response to being instructed to attend to the incongruence. Thirty participants who are highly incongruent, based upon the Values Questionnaire, and 30 who were highly congruent, were instructed to write about their behavior and their values for 2o minutes on three different days. Skin response measures were collected in addition to various measures of psychological adjustment. Results indicated that a greater physiological response occurred in reaction to the task each day for those who were behaviorally incongruent, as compared to those participants whose behavior was congruent with their stated values. In addition, greater distress occurred after each writing task among the incongruent participants. Follow-up data will also be presented to illustrate the effects of the task on psychological distress one and three months later.
Emotional Difficulties: Lack of Conscience Development or Failure to Generalize?
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JEANNIE A. GOLDEN (East Carolina University)
Abstract: Children who have experienced abuse, neglect and/or separation from parents often exhibit severe behavioral difficulties that result in expulsion from homes, schools and community programs. When provided with structure, consistency and positive reinforcement in behavioral treatment programs, their behavior often improves so that they are maintained in these settings and found to have been misdiagnosed. However, they usually have a continued dependency on the external structure provided by the behavioral treatment program. This is manifested by a failure to generalize positive behaviors in alternate settings and to internalize the values and motivation provided by the external structure. These children tend to show no indication of experiencing the emotions of joy, pride, shame, guilt, anxiety or fear. As a result, their behavior appears to be strictly influenced by external stimuli and does not seem to be modulated by any of these emotions. They tend to exhibit what appears to be a false sense of high self-esteem, show no indication of having a conscience, and seem to lack any genuine emotional expressiveness other than anger. The presenter will provide a theoretical interpretation based on behavioral principles of the issues discussed above, as well as a case example with specific behavioral treatment strategies.



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