Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


33rd Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2007

Event Details

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Symposium #475
CE Offered: BACB
Functional Analysis and Treatment in Home Settings
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Emma AB
Area: AUT/DDA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Ajamu Nkosi (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.)
CE Instructor: Bryan J. Davey, Ph.D.

Applied Behavior Analysis in home settings typically involves the application of data-based instructional or skill acquisition procedures such as discrete trials training. However, increasingly, referrals are made for behavior reduction. This symposium highlights advancements in functional analysis and behavioral interventions within home settings. One paper will present data on the use of a punishment procedure used following functional analysis when the identified reinforcer, attention from a young child, could not be controlled due to development and age limitations. The second paper will present data and discussion on a child failing to acquire a communicative response in FCT after her aggression was determined to have been maintained by attention. Several different approaches in the FCT training process will be included. The third paper will present a case example of home consultation for multiple referrals from the goal setting meeting through implementation of compliance training, FCT, and skill acquisition programs in a 7-year-old boy with autism. The final paper will present functional analysis and treatment analysis data in the home settings following similar analyses in the school setting. The reduction of SIB in a 6-year-old girl with autism will be presented from both settings.

Decreasing Attention-Maintained Aggression in a Child with Autism Using Punishment.
MICHAEL M. MUELLER (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.), Christine Palkovic (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.), Amanda J. Mann (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.)
Abstract: Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) that included functional analysis determined that the aggression of a 4-year-old boy was maintained by the attention of his 3-year-old brother also diagnosed with autism. When the attention of the brother could not be reliably controlled (i.e., systematically withheld or delivered) a punisher assessment compared several potential punishment procedures. The most aversive procedure was identified as a basket hold. The basket hold was used on a high preference behavior to test its punishing effects and then implemented to decrease aggression. The use of positive reinforcement and punishment after functional analyses will be discussed.
Failure to Acquire Communicative Responses during FCT when Reducing Attention-Maintained Aggression.
AMANDA J. MANN (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.), Michael M. Mueller (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.), Bryan J. Davey (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.)
Abstract: Many studies have demonstrated that functional communication training (FCT) is an effective treatment in reducing problematic behaviors and in shaping an alternative (communicative) response. Although research has demonstrated the efficacy of FCT as a treatment with a variety of behaviors maintained by social consequences, few studies have systematically evaluated failure to acquire the alternative response. In the current study, a functional analysis identified attention as the maintaining variable for aggressive behavior. FCT to teach a communication behavior was attempted using several different training meethods. We will discuss failure to acquire the alternative response during FCT. In addition, this study will present variations in training the alternative response and how these training methods may affect the acquisition of the desired response, and how the quality of attention maintaining the problem behavior may affect the success of a function based treatment for attention maintained behavior.
A Case Example of Home Consultation to Reduce Multiple Problem Behaviors.
BRYAN J. DAVEY (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.), Michael M. Mueller (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.), Meaghan Timko (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.)
Abstract: In home consultation, it is common for parents to have multi0le concerns. In the present case example, data will be provided on a home consultation that reduced multiple forms of problem behavior. The presentation will begin with the results of a goal setting meeting to prioritize service provision. Data will be presented from each of the assessments and interventions during the consultation process that addressed aggression, noncompliance, and turn taking behaviors. Aggression was addressed through FCT and generalization to the parents. Noncompliance was addressed with Effective Instruction Delivery and systematic prompting; Turn taking was addressed via positive reinforcement for appropriate turn taking and game playing behaviors.
Generalization of Functional Analysis and Effective Treatment of SIB from School to Home Settings.
CHRISTINE PALKOVIC (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.), Michael M. Mueller (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.), Ajamu Nkosi (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.)
Abstract: SIB often occurs across multiple environments. However, it cannot be assumed that behavioral function remains constant across those different settings. As such, effective treatment choices demand individualized assessments. When SIB occurs at very high levels, brief generalization analyses can take place in the generalization setting to limit intentionally reinforcing high rates of SIB. When results are similar across settings, brief treatment evaluation of generalized interventions can shorten evaluation duration and quicken the speed with which effective treatments are implemented across settings. The current study is a case example in which functional analysis results demonstrated attention and tangible reinforcement function in a 7-year-old girl with autism in a public school classroom. Brief treatment evaluations determined that a treatment using NCR attention, access to preferred items, and extinction was effective in eliminating SIB maintained by attention. FCT to request preferred tangibles was effective in eliminating SIB maintained by access to tangible items. Following these evaluations in the school setting, brief functional analysis and brief treatment evaluation of the same treatments were used in the home. Behavioral function across settings was the same and the same treatments were used in the school and home environments to eliminate high rates of SIB.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh