Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Symposium #459
CE Offered: BACB
Supporting Student Learning: Recent Research in College Instruction
Monday, May 31, 2010
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
Texas Ballroom Salon F (Grand Hyatt)
Area: TBA/EDC; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Chair: James Nicholson Meindl (The Ohio State University)
Discussant: Kate Kellum (University of Mississippi)
CE Instructor: Guy Bruce, Ed.D.
Abstract: This symposium will focus on recent research in higher education. Specifically, presentations will discuss interventions designed to target students’ tendency to procrastinate with studying and failures to generalize information presented in class to novel situations. In the first study, the authors measured and reduced college student’s tendency to delay studying until shortly before a quiz. The second and third studies examined ways to improve generalization. In one study, the author designed a review session to improve performance on essay exams. The second study developed a writing evaluation designed to improve student’ ability to analyze realistic treatment descriptions.
Measuring and Reducing College Students' Procrastination of Studying
CHRISTOPHER J. PERRIN (The Ohio State University), Jonathan Ivy (The Ohio State University), James Nicholson Meindl (The Ohio State University), Alayna T. Haberlin (The Ohio State University), Nancy A. Neef (The Ohio State University), Neal Miller (The Ohio State Univeristy)
Abstract: College students often lack the skills necessary to study effectively which is exacerbated by a tendency to delay studying until shortly before the quiz. This accelerating trend in studying as the deadline approaches has been described by Michael (2001) as a procrastination scallop. The purpose of the current study was (a) to measure the extent to which graduate level college students’ use of online practice quizzes conforms to the procrastination scallop and (b) to measure the effects of access to additional sections of a practice quiz contingent upon completion of previous sections on the distribution of studying behavior. Results and implications for the design of college courses will be discussed.
Programming for Generalization: A Component Analysis of a Review Session in a Behavior Modification Course
WESLEY H. DOTSON (University of Kansas)
Abstract: Students often struggle when asked to apply their knowledge from class to novel situations. They also often struggle when evaluated using essay exams. This presentation describes a mock exam review session designed to support students in mastering the course material in an application-based undergraduate behavior modification course in which students are evaluated on five short essay exams, and also the component analysis of several of the variables contained within the review session. Results suggesting students need practice and review on several different skills in order to be most successful will be discussed.
Assessing Generalization: Creating an Evaluation of Student Ability to Analyze Realistic Treatment Descriptions
WESLEY H. DOTSON (University of Kansas)
Abstract: The evaluation of students’ ability to generalize their knowledge about behavior analytic principles and procedures from classroom to assessment situations usually occurs within the well-structured context of exams and quizzes. Exams and quizzes contain questions and descriptions which may act as prompts for the students in identifying which information should be applied within the exam. This presentation describes the development of a more realistic and less structured writing evaluation designed to require students to critically analyze a treatment situation in the absence of such contextual prompts. Results and suggestions regarding how to prepare students to critically evaluate more realistic treatment situations will be discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh