Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

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Symposium #506
A Relational Frame Analysis of Transformation of Functions and Hierarchical and Analogical Responding
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Bonham B (Grand Hyatt)
Area: EAB/VBC; Domain: Experimental Analysis
Chair: Tomas Quirosa-Moreno (Behaviour Analysis Group of University of Almeria)
Abstract: Relational Frame Theory (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001) is a contextual theory that tries to explain human language and cognition. The current symposium presents four research studies about complex human behavior. The first paper aims to do an analog study for deriving verbally experienced contingencies with eating-relevant behavior. Specifically, the impact of a computer procedure training pseudofood word contingencies will be tested in the behavior outside de laboratory. The second presentation discusses the nature of hierarchical relational responding and presents the advances to extend the model presented by Griffee & Dougher (2002) to arbitrarily related stimuli and categorization under the control of contextual cues for hierarchical relational responding. The third presentation provides further evidence of the transformation of functions through hierarchical relations. Participants were trained to respond to arbitrary stimuli as several relational contexts and then a complex relational network was formed. Functions were given to some stimuli and the transformation of functions was observed according with the specific relational context. Finally, the last presentation analyzes the features of relational networks that facilitate the derivation of analogical relations. Concretely, this study tries to find out if analogies with common functions and physical properties are easier to derive than abstract analogies.
An Analog Study for Deriving Verbally Experienced Contingencies With Eating-Relevant Behavior
PRISCILLA ALMADA (San Jose State University), Michael Bordieri (University of Mississippi), Kelly G. Wilson (University of Mississippi), Kate Kellum (University of Mississipi), Jennifer A. Gregg (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: Eating behavior is learned through directly experienced contingencies (e.g., taste, texture, sensations of satiety), and through verbally experienced contingencies. Once verbally experienced contingencies are learned, they frequently lead to behavioral rigidity. While several laboratory preparations have illustrated the process of learning verbally experienced contingencies, little research has been done to investigate whether this process occurs in other contexts with eating-relevant behavior. The present study will utilize an analog paradigm to investigate whether a brief computer procedure training pseudofood word contingencies, will influence actual eating behavior outside of the lab. After completing training, undergraduate students will receive a transparent bag of candies, all individually labeled with either one of two trained pseudofood words or one novel pseudofood word. Participants will be instructed to keep the bags with them for 24 hours with no explicit eating instructions and will return their bags after the 24 hour post computer task period. Data to be collected. Results will be analyzed in an attempt to gain clinical insight into verbally experienced contingencies and how they map onto eating behavior.
Hierarchical Categorization: Testing and Training Unidirectional Inclusiveness
BRIAN WILLIAM SLATTERY (National University of Ireland, Galway), Ian T. Stewart (National University of Ireland, Galway), Denis P. O'Hora (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Abstract: The present study aimed to extend previous work by Griffee & Dougher (2002) which attempted to model hierarchical relational responding as contextually controlled conditional discriminative responding towards a group of stimuli (triangles) that differed along a physical continuum. This was a useful initial model of the phenomenon but arguably omitted certain features of the phenomenon of interest. One such feature is unidirectional inclusiveness. For example, a rabbit is a type of mammal and therefore all rabbits are mammals but the reverse is not true in that not all mammals are rabbits. While the data provided by the Griffee and Dougher (2002) study showed some limited evidence of a unidirectional inclusiveness pattern they did not provide a sufficiently robust test for this element. The aim of the experiments presented in this talk was to provide a more robust test for unidirectional inclusiveness and to explore methods for training this element in its absence.
Transformation of Functions According to a Complex Hierarchical Relational Network
ENRIQUE GIL GONZÁLEZ (Universidad de Almer�a), Carmen Luciano Soriano (Universidad de Almer&íacute;a), Francisco Jose Ruiz-Jimenez (Universidad de Almeria)
Abstract: In relational frame theory (RFT), the published evidence concerning the conditions that give rise to the transformation of functions in accordance with the relational frame of hierarchy is absent. In a previous study (Gil, Luciano, Ruiz, and Sánchez, unpublished), adult participants showed transformation of functions in accordance with the relational frame of hierarchy. However, in this study, the hierarchical relational networks were relatively simple because there were involved only coordination, distinction and hierarchical relations. The aim of the present study is to replicate previous findings with a more complex hierarchical relational network that involves coordination, comparison, opposition, distinction and hierarchical relations. Participants were involved in several phases where they learned to respond to arbitrary stimuli as the relational context of hierarchy, opposition, comparison and same. After that they were trained to acquire three-three member equivalence classes. Then a relational network of hierarchy among new stimuli and the stimuli of the equivalence classes were established. Subsequently one function was given to a stimulus of the hierarchical network and finally testing proceeded to see if the response would emerge in accordance with the derived relations of hierarchy, opposition, distinction, comparison and coordination.
Analysis of the Conditions That Facilitate the Derivation of Analogies and Metaphors
FRANCISCO JOSE RUIZ-JIMENEZ (Universidad de Almeria), Carmen Luciano Soriano (Universidad de Almer&íacute;a), Dermot Barnes-Holmes (National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
Abstract: In the last 10 years, a number of studies in Relational Frame Theroy (RFT) have studied analogies as relating derived relations. However, there is little research concerning the features of relational networks that facilitate the derivation of analogies. The current study aims to advance in this track analyzing the role of common functions and physical properties in the derivation of analogical relations between different relational networks. Concretely, a series of experiments were designed to analyze if common functions and physical properties can work as relational context (Crel) for deriving analogies, and thus, facilitating the derivation of analogical relations. The results showed that participants choose analogies with common functions and physical properties as better than abstract analogies. Moreover, these types of analogies are easier to derive, in terms of accuracy and latency of response, than abstract ones. Results are discussed highlighting the applied implications of these findings in clinical and educational settings.



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