Video Modeling: Prerequisites, Successes and Future Directions |
Saturday, May 23, 2009 |
1:00 PM–2:20 PM |
North 120 BC |
Area: AUT/DDA; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis |
Chair: Rebecca P. F. MacDonald (The New England Center for Children) |
Abstract: Video modeling has been demonstrated to be an effective procedure to teach a variety of skills to individuals with autism. In this session we will describe studies demonstrating the use of video modeling to teach social interactions and daily living skills. With the wide spread use of to video modeling as part of behavioral programming, we have found that some children have difficulty learning using video instruction. We will present a pre-assessment battery of skills that begins to assess the prerequisites necessary for learning using video instruction. In addition, we will present data showing that remediation of these skill deficits can have an impact on acquisition of behavioral chains using video modeling. We will review the parameters of video construction and point of view as is relates to learning. We will review the advantages of this teaching procedure and the technical issues encountered when implementing the procedures. We will also discuss the implications for this technology as an easy and effective strategy for educators and parents to use to teach play and other skills. |
Examining Prerequisite Skills for Learning Using Video Modeling |
MEGHAN E. ROBINSON (New England Center for Children), Rebecca P. F. MacDonald (The New England Center for Children), William H. Ahearn (The New England Center for Children) |
Abstract: In the following study 10 preschool students diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder were assessed with 10 potential pre-requisite skills for video modeling performance. The assessments included gross motor imitation, actions with objects, simultaneous matching pictures to objects, delayed matching pictures to objects, attending to a video, simultaneous matching pictures to objects on computer screen, delayed matching pictures to objects on computer, motor skills, delayed actions with objects, and 2-step delayed actions with objects. 7 of the 9 students demonstrated mastery of all assessments including video modeling. Two students did not demonstrate mastery of learning through video modeling. Of those 2 students, one did not perform delayed matching and the second student did not perform 2-step delayed actions with objects. The results of this study confirm a potential relationship between delayed matching tasks and learning through video modeling. Future research is warranted on the role of delayed matching with learning through video modeling, as well as the importance delayed matching skills may have on the overall academic and social acquisition of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. |
Teaching Laundry Skills to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Using Video Prompting |
JULIE HORN (University of South Florida), Raymond G. Miltenberger (University of South Florida), Timothy M. Weil (University of South Florida), Judith M. Mowrey (University of South Florida), Maribel Conn (University of South Florida), Leigh Anne Sams (University of South Florida) |
Abstract: Video prompting is a training procedure used to teach a complex behavior by showing steps of a task analysis on video. The present study evaluated how many steps in the video model were required for the learner to acquire a 10 step laundry task. Participants were three individuals with mental retardation. Participants viewed the entire task on video and then progressively shorter segments until they performed all task steps. The results, evaluated in a multiple baseline across subjects design, showed that one individual learned the task with 2 video segments and another with 3 segments. The final participant needed a least to most prompting procedure to learn the skills.
Key words: video prompting, video modeling, task analysis, laundry skills. |
The Effects of Peer Video Modeling on Conversational Speech in a General Education Setting |
LIJA LEKAN (New England Center for Children), Rebecca P. F. MacDonald (The New England Center for Children) |
Abstract: Video modeling is a technique shown to be effective at increasing social initiations and conversational speech in children with autism. This study examined the effects of a video modeling intervention on social initiations and responding to peers during times of socialization in an inclusive setting for a student with autism. A multiple baseline design across environments was used with a single participant. The child watched a video clip of typical peers engaging in conversational speech. Video modeling resulted in an increase in the use of scripted comments and responses to peers in the cafeteria and classroom settings. The intervention also resulted in an increase in novel conversational speech with peers and this increase in level of speech was maintained during follow up probe sessions. |
A Review of Procedural Variations in Conducing Video Modeling:
What We Know, What We Think We Know, and What We Need To Find Out |
COURTNEY DILLON (Western Michigan University), Linda A. LeBlanc (Auburn University), Kaneen B. Geiger (Western Michigan University) |
Abstract: Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of using video models to teach a various skills to children with autism spectrum disorders, including increasing social initiations (Nikopoulos & Keenan, 2004), perspective taking (Charlop-Christy & Daneshvar, 2003; LeBlanc et al., 2003), giving compliments (Apple, Billingsley, & Schwartz, 2005), and engaging in conversational speech (Charlop & Milstein, 1989). While video models have generally been found to be effective teaching tools, the procedures used in these supportive studies have varied on a number of dimensions. For example, the length of the video varies widely between studies, as does the number of exemplars shown in the video, characteristics of the model, and whether a discriminative stimulus for imitation is delivered in the video. Though the procedures have varied across studies, few of these variables have been experimentally examined. The purpose of this review is to illustrate the procedural variations used in previous studies and to outline a research agenda for the future studies that might experimentally determine the optimal characteristics of video models to foster development of best practice in this area. |