Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


35th Annual Convention; Phoenix, AZ; 2009

Event Details

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Symposium #230
CE Offered: BACB
Use of staff training in educational and residential Setting
Sunday, May 24, 2009
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
North 126
Area: AUT/OBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Chair: Hanna C. Rue (The May Institute)
CE Instructor: Adrienne Perry, Ph.D., C. Pysch.
Abstract: There are many challenges with training staff and teachers and administrators in schools with limited time and resources. Administrator and supervisory staff must find way to quickly and accurately train staff to be able to perform with students and individuals in school and residential setting. Performance feedback has been shown to be an effective teaching tool and motivator in a wide variety of professional environments. Performance feedback typically consists of two key components; corrective and positive feedback. Recent studies have demonstrated positive effects of performance feedback, but have come up short in maintenance outcomes (Moore et al, 2002) and generality to supplementary curriculum (Leblanc, Ricciardi & Luiselli, 2005). This symposium provide several example of training interventions, using written and video Feedback to train educational assessment, Functional assessment and supervision to teachers and direct care staff. The first presentation demonstrates a practical method for training staff to implement functional analysis conditions. The second presentation demonstrates the use of performance feedback to increase group management skills in a classroom. The third presentation demonstrates a method for increase entry-level supervisors feedback skills, and the fourth demonstrates the use of performance feedback to increase staff oral presentation of clinical data. all presentation represents interventions used across multiple staff in education and therapeutic environments.
Training Package to Increase Supervisor Feedback Skills
STEFANIE FILLERS (May Institute), Hanna C. Rue (The May Institute)
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of a training package to improve supervisor feedback skills. Participants in the study were four lead teachers at a private school for children with developmental disabilities, supervising 3-7 teaching staff. Sessions took place within the supervisor’s classroom, while students were present, once a day, 2-3 times per week. During each session, the participant was observed providing feedback to a staff member following an observation of staff’s program implementation. Feedback skills were scored using a 10-component feedback checklist. Following baseline, a mini-workshop was conducted, and then subsequent observations were conducted with direct feedback from the experimenter to the participant. The feedback training package was evaluated in a multiple-baseline across participants design. Results indicate that the training package increased feedback skills across all supervisors.
A Training to Enhance the Quality of Group a training to enhance group management
STEPHANIE ORMAN (The May Institute), Katherine Gilligan (The May Center for Child Development), Kate Desmond (May Institute)
Abstract: When services are provided to groups of individuals, direct support professionals must be capable of interacting with all members of the group. Even when working with a group of three or more students, it is necessary for students to stay on task, and engage appropriately. However, if teachers are unsure how to effectively manage a group, students may not demonstrate appropriate behaviors and may not learn or maintain skills. The current study used a multiple baseline across staff to examine staff performance and student engagement following training in group management. Prior to the study, guidelines for interaction were created. Once baseline data had been collected teachers were then trained to exhibit the specific behaviors identified by the researchers as vital to effectively manage a group. Data were collected on staff behavior and student engagement across conditions. Interobserver agreement for teacher behavior averaged 97% during baseline and 86% during treatment. Results indicated that prior to training, teachers provided infrequent interactions, averaging 6% and student engagement was low, averaging 5%. Following training, teachers provided more frequent interactions, averaging 92%, and student engagement increased, averaging 80%.
Teaching Educators to Implement Functional Analysis Conditions
NATALIE DENARDO (Northeastern University)
Abstract: The functional analysis assesses the variables which maintain targeted behaviors so it is important that staff know how to implement a functional analysis. The participants used in this functional analysis training were five teachers and one home-based consultant. One group was trained using a brief power point presentation and after the training used a self-monitoring checklist while running the functional analysis conditions. The other group received a brief power point presentation and video training without a self-monitoring checklist. The results indicated that two participants met criterion required to implement the attention, demand, and play conditions after the initial functional analysis training. Three participants required feedback once and one participant required feedback twice before meeting criterion for all three conditions. The self-monitoring group and the video-training group acquired functional analysis skills at nearly the same rate.
The Use of Performance Feedback to Increase The Use of Performance Feedback to Increase Staff Verbal and Written Presentation During Clinical Review
JOHN STOKES (May Institute,), Karin Page (May Institute,), Gina Tacconi Morre (May Institute)
Abstract: A two-step Performance training program was implemented across 8 residential programs. The goal of the training was to instruct staff in how to increase their accuracy in verbal and graphic presentation of clinical data during biweekly clinical reviews. The program involved defining desired staff behavior, training and performance feedback. The procedure resulted in increased rates of appropriate presentation behaviors being exhibited by staff working in the respected programs. The greatest increase in teaching behavior by staff was demonstrated during the performance feedback session of the training. All staff increased their performance to at least 80%. Data is displayed graphically and results are discussed in terms of using effective staff training as a means of increasing staff professional oral presentation and graphic display of data. Inter-observer agreement data was taken for 30% of trial for each subject. Their was a mean IOA of 89% with a ranger of 76% to 100%.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh