Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Symposium #381
The Use of Technology in the Effective Behavior Analytic Programming for Adolescences With Autism
Monday, May 31, 2010
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
205 (CC)
Area: AUT/EDC; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Chair: Gloria M. Satriale (PAAL)
Discussant: Peter F. Gerhardt (Organization for Autism Research)
Abstract: The advancement of technology has made a variety of applications available to improve the productivity and organization of daily life. However, the application of such technology in support of individuals with autism remains rare with few research studies documenting the potential efficacy of this, readily available, intervention. In this session, symposium participants will report on the incorporation of accessible technology in the effective, behavior analytic programming of adolescents and adults with autism. Participants in two studies will be adolescents with moderate to severe autism between the ages of 15 to 21, and their instructors between the age of 26 to 36 will be the participants in a study. All three studies will use multiple baseline treatment designs across students, instructors, across environments, and/ or across behaviors. The data will be collected 3 to 5 times per week over 2-months periods. The authors hope to demonstrate the effective use of assistive and common technology for adolescents with autism and their instructors to promote the widespread use of technology to support the effective programming.
Use of Bluetooth Technology to Promote Independent Functioning in the Community: Targeting the Future
GLORIA M. SATRIALE (PAAL), Kaori Nepo (PAAL), Avram Glickman (PAAL)
Abstract: Satriale, Chance, and Nepo (2007) demonstrated the Bluetooth technology can reduce stigma associated with frequent physical prompts and increase social acceptance. Although the verbal prompting can be hard to fade, it is hypothesized that the verbal prompts can be faded gradually, and individuals with autism can still benefit from the Bluetooth technology to increase independence and social acceptance. In this replication study, the authors will examine the long term effects of verbal prompting via Bluetooth for adolescents and adults with autism. Participants in this study will be two male students and a female student diagnosed with moderate to severe autism between the ages of 15-21. Verbal prompts to complete tasks will be delivered through Bluetooth and a remote cell phone. The proximity and the frequency of verbal prompts will be gradually faded and the reliance on the verbal prompting will be assessed across students over time. A multiple baseline design across behaviors will be used. The data will be collected 3-5 times per week over 2 month period. Authors hope to demonstrate that the socially accepted instructional strategies will not develop prompt dependency on verbal prompts via Bluetooth.
Use of PDA or Smartphone to Increase Independent Functioning of Adolescents With Autism
AVRAM GLICKMAN (PAAL), Kaori Nepo (PAAL), Gloria M. Satriale (PAAL)
Abstract: Traditionally, augmentative devices designed to enhance communication have been expensive, cumbersome and stigmatizing. The rapid development of hardware and software applications which serve to make our lives easier continues to expand. As technology continues to advance, these applications have become less expensive and more portable. Studies in typical populations have demonstrated that these devices increase executive function; however few studies exist to demonstrate the efficacy of these devices to increase both the frequency of sentence use and social acceptance for adolescents and adults with autism. In this presentation, the authors will demonstrate the effective utilization of the Microsoft PowerPoint application as an augmentative communication system. Three students diagnosed with moderate to severe autism between the ages of 13 and 21 will participate in the study. Students will receive auditory outputs to model or communicate by selecting visual representations on a touch screen PDA. The frequency of sentence use will be recorded over a two month period in classroom and community settings. Social validity data will be collected to examine the community’s perception and acceptance of this communication system.
The Use of Video Feedback and Bluetooth Data Collection to Improve Staff Performance
KAORI NEPO (PAAL), Gloria M. Satriale (PAAL), Avram Glickman (PAAL)
Abstract: The on-going staff training is one of critical components for the effective programming for adolescents and adults with autism, although it is often overlooked. The available technology can be useful not only improve productivity and organization of our daily life, but also the work performance. In this study, the authors will examine the effectiveness of technology to improve performance of instructors who are working with adolescents and adults with autism. The multiple baseline treatment design will be used across instructors with the age between 26-36 who had been trained on basic knowledge and extensive application of ABA principles. The data will be collected 3 to 5 times per week via Bluetooth and self monitoring data collection system over two months. The video clips of instruction sessions will be used as a feedback tool and IOA data collection tool. Authors hope to demonstrate the effectiveness of video feedback, self monitoring, and the reinforcement system will improve staff performance.



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