Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

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Symposium #282
Analysis of the Efficacy and Processes of Change in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Sunday, May 30, 2010
4:30 PM–5:50 PM
Crockett C/D (Grand Hyatt)
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Chair: Matthieu Villatte (Universite de Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3)
Abstract: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT; Hayes, Stroshal, & Wilson, 1999) is a model of psychological intervention, based in relational frame theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001), that is showing to be effective in a wide range of problems, and to be so through their hypothesized processes of change. The aim of the current symposium is to add evidence of the efficacy of ACT in several applied settings and to analyze the verbal processes involved in their clinical methods through Relational Frame Theory. The first paper analyzes the basic verbal processes involved in mindfulness techniques through deictic relational frames. The second study presents an analysis of the basic verbal processes involved in defusion techniques, and the application of this analysis in brief protocols, applied to adolescent at risk, that emphasize the core of these processes. The third presentation will show the results of a small randomized controlled trial in the treatment of bruxism. Finally, the fourth will present the results of adding six ACT sessions to an intensive psychosocial treatment in patients with chronic psychosis.
Studying the Effect of Changing Perspective on Mindfulness
MATTHIEU VILLATTE (Universite de Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3), Roger Vilardaga (University of Nevada, Reno), Jean-Louis Monestès (Centre Hospitalier Ph. Pinel), Louise A. McHugh (University of Wales Swansea)
Abstract: The current study aims to explore the impact of changing perspective on mindfulness. In particular, adopting the perspective of another person on one's own experience is predicted to enhance the awareness of emotions and sensations evoked by negative situations. Participants will read two stories evoking either a positive or negative emotion, with three independent conditions: the main character is either the participant (story written in the 1st person), another person (story written in the 3rd person) or the participant him/herself but as seen by another person (story written in the 3rd person with the participant's name). Two kinds of measure will be employed to assess participants' awareness of emotions and sensations felt by the character of the story: an explicit assessment based on Likert scales and an implicit assessment using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure. The difference between implicit and explicit assessments is predicted to be less important in the two 3rd person stories than in the 1st person's one, and in the positive rather than in the negative situations. Scales of mindfulness (MAAS, TMS) and acceptance (AAQ-II) will be also employed to examine the link between these variables and the increase of mindfulness produced by changing perspective.
Deictic Framing Protocols to Increase Discrimination of Own Behavior and Reduce Maladaptive Behavior
Carmen Luciano Soriano (University de Almer&íacute;a), Rosa M. Vizcaáno (Universidad de Almer&íacute;a), FRANCISCO JOSE RUIZ-JIMENEZ (Universidad de Almeria), Vanessa SÁnchez (Universidad de Almer&íacute;a), Enrique Gil González (Universidad de Almer�a)
Abstract: Based on the effectiveness of the brief acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) protocol focused on the clarification of values and defusion components used with 5 at-risk adolescents (Gómez, Luciano, Páez, & Valdivia, 2007), the aim of the present study is to isolate the deictic framing protocol upon which both, the values and the defusion components, are based. Participants were 15 adolescents (between 13 to 16 years) that showed impulsive or depressive-anxious behaviors at baseline. A values clarification protocol followed by an intensive deictic training protocol was applied in four group sessions. The deictic training protocol was implemented by using an experimental task especially designed to manage clinical behavior equivalent to the forms taken by the experimental avoidance regulation in the participants’ repertory. Finally, post-treatment and 3 months follow-up measures were taken. Results showed significant reductions of problematic behavior and increases in acceptance of aversive private events. These results will be discussed according to the verbal processes involved in values clarification as well as defusion components in the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Hayes, Stroshal, & Wilson, 1999).
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the Treatment of Bruxism
TOMAS QUIROSA-MORENO (University de Almeria), Carmen Luciano Soriano (Universidad de Almer&íacute;a), Mariano Pizarro-Sanchez (University Hospital "Virgen de les Nieves", Granada), Gerardo Gomez-Moreno (University of Granada), Javier Guardia (University of Granada), Olga Gutierrez-Martinez (Universidad de Barcelona)
Abstract: Bruxism is a constant clenching of teeth that leads to the wearing of enamel. Stressful life events and anxiety have been more frequently reported by patients, which are related with the tension in maseteres muscle. This could be considered as a result of controlling private events such as feelings, sensations, problematic thoughts and behaving. So far there have no been satisfactory solutions with treatments used. The aim of current study was to explore the efficacy of a brief ACT-based protocol of 5 sessions applied to two young women diagnosed of bruxism. Psychological measures were: anxiety, quality of life, credibility of private events as cause of action and affected valued life areas. Clinical signs as presence of wear facets and temporomandibular disorders were observed by a dentist. Also a polysomnographic study was took to assess the presence of sleep bruxism. Patients got improvements in all psychological measures. EMG also proved a reduction of tension in maseteres muscles and therefore a reduction of clenching and grinding episodes.
A Small Randomized Controlled Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy With Psychotic Patients
TERESA RIVAS (Universidad de Almer&íacute;a), Carmen Luciano Soriano (Universidad de Almer&íacute;a), Francisco Jose Ruiz-Jimenez (Universidad de Almeria)
Abstract: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) has showed to be promising in the treatment of psychotic symptoms (Bach & Hayes, 2002; Gaudiano & Herbert, 2006). The current study aims to compare the differential efficacy of treatment as usual (TAU) versus TAU plus ACT (TAU + ACT). Patients were 12 psychotic patients with a longstanding history of psychosis who were receiving a standard intensive psychosocial rehabilitation treatment in a mental health institute. Participants were randomly assigned to TAU or TAU + ACT conditions. Participants in TAU + ACT conditions received the same psychosocial treatment than participants in TAU condition but also received six 1-hour sessions of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. At 2 months follow-up, neither TAU participants nor TAU + ACT participants showed decreases in psychothic symptoms. However, participants in TAU + ACT condition showed statistically significant improvements in acceptance of symptoms and valued actions while no changes were observed in TAU condition.



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