Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


33rd Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2007

Event Details

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Symposium #424
CE Offered: BACB
Intervening in Child Abuse and Neglect: Project 12-Ways' Innovations and a Canadian Replication
Monday, May 28, 2007
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
Edward C
Area: CBM/CSE; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Brandon F. Greene (Southern Illinois University)
Discussant: James F. McGimsey (AdvoServ)
CE Instructor: Brandon F. Greene, Ph.D.

Since 1979 Project 12-Ways has served families with a history of child abuse and neglect. The Project has operated under the auspices of the Behavior Analysis & Therapy Program at SIU and, therefore, adopts an experimental-clinical approach to rendering service. Recent innovations will be described including the first attempt at an international replication in Ontario, Candada.

Facilitating Involvement in Vocational and Avocational Activity among Unemployed Parents with a History of Child Abuse and Neglect.
BONNIE M HENRY (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale), Brandon F. Greene (Southern Illinois University), Alan Summers (Illinois Department of Human Services), Dianne Bradie-Gregoire (Illinois Department of Human Services)
Abstract: A variable that is predictive of the likelihood of parents perpetrating child abuse/neglect is the employment status of parents. That is, unemployed individuals are at greater risk of inflicting child maltreatment. The majority of parents served by Project 12-Ways are, and have been, chronically unemployed. Most subsist on various tax-supported subsidies (e.g., disability payments for themselves or their children). This presentation will describe the effort to involve these individuals in vocational and avocational activities. The effort involved an assessment of preferred activities and an intensive problem solving process that incrementally engaged the parents in productive activity. The implications for this process and its relevance to addressing the problem of child abuse and neglect will be discussed.
Project 12-Ways' Canadian Replication: Issues in Managing a Direct Replication.
DANA M. DAHMAN HARVEY (Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society), Autumn Kaufman (Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society), Hugh Nicholson (Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society), Brandon F. Greene (Southern Illinois University)
Abstract: A Children's Aid Society (CAS) in Ontario, Canada identified Project 12-Ways as an "evidenced based practice" in the intervention of child abuse and neglect. Members of the CAS visited the Project's headquarters in Illinois and elected to undertake a replication beginning in late 2006. Now, after one year into the replication, a variety of issues have been identified as critical to the process. The scope and nature of these will be described in this presentation. In addition, the relevance of issues associated with replicating other large scale programs (e.g., Teaching Family Model) will be presented in the context of the current effort.
Project 12-Ways Canada: Evidence of the Replication of an Evidence-Based Practice.
AUTUMN KAUFMAN (Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society), Dana M. Dahman Harvey (Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society), Hugh Nicholson (Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society), Brandon F. Greene (Southern Illinois University)
Abstract: "Evidence based practice" is a popular term in human services that presumably refers to the importance of adopting treatment practices that have empirical evidence of effectiveness. Thus, some professionals are lulled into the belief that such practices are readily identified or claim to have adopted such practices without any substantiating evidence. However, the question of whether an "evidenced based practice" has been successfully adopted requires evidence itself. This presentation will present the evidence to indicate the successful adoption of the Project 12-Ways model in Canada. Various challenges to this adoption will be discussed.



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