#255 Poster Session - TBA |
Sunday, May 29, 2005 |
5:30 PM–7:00 PM |
Southwest Exhibit Hall (Lower Level) |
128. Training Behavior Analysts to Improve Interobserver Agreement Scores: Implications on a Caregiver Training Curriculum |
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research |
HAN-LEONG GOH (University of Florida), Patricia D. Wheat (University of Florida), Carole M. Van Camp (University of Florida), Valerie A. Barrow (University of Florida), Jennifer A. Johnston (University of Florida), Marilyn K. Benham (University of Florida) |
Abstract: The Behavior Analysis Services Program provides a behavioral training curriculum to caregivers in the Florida child welfare system as part of a service delivery contract with the Department of Children and Families. The training curriculum consists of 9 tools that vary in number of steps, and encompass different behavioral principles. Caregiver performance was assessed for potential learning effects during roleplay scenarios conducted prior to (pretests) and following (posttests) training. Behavior analysts received training in the form of role-plays, lectures, demonstration, and feedback. Interobserver agreement (IOA) scores from over 20 behavior analysts taken on caregiver performance during pretests and posttests are presented in this "no-training" or baseline phase. The data show less than 80% agreement across tools, within tools, and between pretests vs. posttests. Potential factors for these poor scores include observer bias, complex scoring codes, definition ambiguity, or observer drift. The same behavior analysts then received booster training with procedures similar to those used during initial training. Results of IOA scores following booster training are mixed, and are discussed in terms of implications for training evaluation. |
129. Does Order Make a Difference? Which Should Come First the Lecture or the Application? |
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research |
MARCIE DESROCHERS (State University of New York, Brockport), Cheryl Chatelle (State University of New York, Brockport) |
Abstract: The effects of order of instructional materials on learning will be examined in this study. Specifically, the question as to whether a simulation software program (“Simulations in Developmental Disabilities”) should be presented before or after a lecture on the topic of functional assessment will be determined. Approximately 30 students in an upper-level Applied Behavior Analysis course will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions; lecture then SIDD versus SIDD then lecture. Participants will complete a pre-test, mid-test after exposure to one of the two learning materials (i.e., SIDD or lecture), and post-test following experience of both materials. Participants’ scores on a test of knowledge of functional assessment and preferences in learning approach will be analyzed and presented. Additionally, subjective evaluations of preference of order of instructional. |
130. How Many Clinical Cases are Required to Teach a Functional Assessment Approach? |
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research |
MARCIE DESROCHERS (State University of New York, Brockport), Darlene E. Crone-Todd (Delta State University), Anna Alford (Delta State University), Mariana Coutinho (State University of New York, Brockport), Alicia Satterfield (Delta State University) |
Abstract: Use of functional assessment is recognized as essential in the treatment of severe problem behaviors of individuals with developmental disabilities/mental retardation. Although effective methods of teaching this concept may vary, use of a case approach to illustrate the breadth of clinical situations seems necessary. An important empirical question is: how many clinical cases need to be presented before students demonstrate competency in making clinical decisions using a functional assessment approach? The clinical decisions of 14 participants from an undergraduate course in applied behavior analysis at Delta State University were analyzed. Participants were presented with 10 clinical cases in Simulations in Developmental Disabilities: SIDD software. Although participants did not improve post-test scores for high-level questions (i.e., application, analysis, synthesis and/or integration of material), post-test scores for low-level questions (e.g., definitions) were significantly improved compared to pre-test scores. Additionally, rated difficulty of client cases corresponded with SIDD performance for correct treatment selections and, to a lesser extent, for correct functional hypotheses. A pattern of successful treatment decisions by participants did not emerge after 10 client cases. Additional research examining the training necessary to facilitate high-level decision-making skills and correct treatment selections is needed. |
131. Undergraduate Training in Applied Behaviour Analysis in Toronto |
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research |
JEN PORTER (George Brown College), Leanne Yearsley (George Brown College), Sarah Campbell (George Brown College), Sabrina Chan (George Brown College), Anna Legett (George Brown College) |
Abstract: George Brown College offers a three-year diploma in Behavioural Science Technology. The program provides students with an opportunity to study applied behaviour analysis and behaviour therapy. The themes in the program include applied behaviour analysis, cognitive behaviour therapy, behavioural counselling, scientific method, ethics and professionalism, professionally related courses, diversity and general education with a major emphasis on practical application in the field. An intensive delivery leading to a diploma in less than one year is available for applicants who have a bachelor's degree with a major in Psychology. Graduates of the program are employed in a variety of settings with diverse population groups of all ages who frequently present challenging behaviours. They may work to develop and implement behavioural interventions designed to manage challenging behaviours and/or teach a variety of skills. Graduates may find employment in schools, hospitals, residential and treatment facilities and rehabilitation and vocational agencies. |
132. Consecutive Weekly Assessments Versus Delayed Assessments and Their Effect on Staff Longevity |
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery |
PHIL A. WEINSTEIN (University of South Florida), Paul Nelson (University of South Florida), Kimberly M. Smith (University of South Florida), Jewlon Morris (University of South Florida) |
Abstract: One goal of the Behavior Analysis Service Project (BASP) is to save the state money. One outcome measure of this would be stabilizing the number of placements of children in Dependent care. Often Children in Dependent Care display maladaptive behaviors so extreme, that they result in the displacement of a child. Through out districts in Florida, services are provided for teaching caregivers positive parenting skills. For this study we looked at the 15-hour positive parenting class, which meets 3 hours a week for 5 weeks and consists of 6 tools: Avoid Coercion, Stay Close, Ignore Junk Behavior, Stop Redirect, Pivot, Set Expectations & Contracts. After a participant successfully demonstrated a tool and the course is completed, there tends to be little or no follow-up on the use of the Skills learned. This proposal revolves around an additional 10 follow-ups for 10 weeks after the last day of class. The question looked at in this study is would there be an increase in skills compared to the group who only received the delayed assessments? That is, would more follow-ups result in increased Staff Longevity? Consecutive Weekly Assessments Versus Delayed Assessments And Their Effect On Placement Disruptions For Children In Dependent Care. |
133. Consecutive Assessments Versus Delayed Assessments and Their Effect on Placement Disruptions for Dependent Children |
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery |
PAUL NELSON (University of South Florida), Kimberly M. Smith (University of South Florida), Phil A. Weinstein (University of South Florida), Jewlon Morris (University of South Florida) |
Abstract: N/A |
134. Consecutive Assessments Versus Delayed Assessments And Their Effect on In Dependent Children's Maladaptive Behavior |
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery |
KIMBERLY M. SMITH (University of South Florida), Phil A. Weinstein (University of South Florida), Paul Nelson (University of South Florida), Jewlon Morris (University of South Florida) |
Abstract: A goal of the Behavior Analysis Services Program (BASP) is to save the placements of children in dependent care and work to keep them in a less restrictive setting with a stable family unit. Often children in dependent care display maladaptive behaviors so extreme that they result in the loss of placement for that child. Throughout fifteen districts in Florida, services are provided for teaching caregivers positive parenting skills. For this study we will be looking at a positive parenting class that meets three hours per week for five weeks. In this class, participants are taught six tools to use in their interactions with the children. Once the classes have been completed the interest for follow-up visits to monitor the use of the tools declines. In this study, we completed ten weeks of follow up visits in which two of the tools that are taught in class, Stay Close and Setting Expectations, were assessed at each visit for competency using novel situations. By completing these follow-ups we were able to measure the increase or decrease of accuracy in their execution of the tools. We were also able to measure the changes in the children's behavior before, during and after training. |