Special Interest Groups |
Saturday, May 29, 2010 |
8:30 PM–11:00 PM |
Exhibit Hall A (CC) |
1. ABAI Health, Sport, and Fitness Special Interest Group: Current Activities and Future Directions |
MARIANNE L. JACKSON (California State University, Fresno), Amanda N. Adams (California State University, Fresno) |
Abstract: Presentation of the current SIG activities, membership data, and plans for future growth. |
2. ABAI Verbal Behavior Special Interest Group |
ASHLIE LINDER GRILL (Florida State University), Season Almason (Western Michigan University), Judah Axe (Simmons College), Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas), Kerry A. Conde (Florida State University), Danielle Lise LaFrance (Therapeutic Pathways, Inc.), Sarah A. Lechago (Florida State University), Caio F. Miguel (California State University, Sacramento) |
Abstract: The VB SIG is a part of the Association for Behavior Analysis and is dedicated to the study of "language" from a behavior analytic point of view. Students and professionals involved in this SIG are dedicated to the advancement of verbal behavior research and treatment approaches. |
3. All Students Can Learn and All Teachers Can Be Successful!
Direct Instruction Special Interest Group |
PATTY L. POLSTER (St. Louis University), Wendy L. Kozma (BEACON Services) |
Abstract: To be effective, the instructional process must be efficient and designed to maximize learner engagement. However, effective instruction further requires that the educator be knowledgeable and skillful in several critical domains. The successful educator is able to identify the essential skills or learning objectives to be taught and utilizes effective procedures for teaching those skills; this includes evaluating, selecting, and modifying instructional programs and materials to meet the unique needs of the learner. The effective instructor utilizes assessment data to appropriately place learners and to regularly monitor their progress. The successful educator utilizes effective lesson presentation techniques including appropriate pacing of instructional tasks, attending to the motivation of learners, and the diagnosis and correction of learner errors. Finally, the effective instructor analyzes assessment data and uses assessment results to guide instructional decision making. Please attend the Direct Instruction SIG business meeting and join us in promoting research-validated instructional practices! |
4. Applied Animal Behavior Special Interest Group |
CHRISTY A. ALLIGOOD (Disney's Animal Kingdom, Education and Science), Indya N. Watts (Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Jennifer L. Sobie (The Creature Teacher), Terri Bright (Simmons College) |
Abstract: The Applied Animal Behavior (AAB) SIG brings together individuals who specialize in or have an interest in the application of behavior analysis to the appreciation, understanding, and management of animal behavior across species. The AAB SIG has three primary purposes: 1) To promote behavior analytic research and the exchange of scientific information in the area of animal behavior; 2) To advocate for and promote high standards in the application of methods and techniques of behavior change with animals in applied settings; and 3) To support and promote excellence in the education and research practices of individuals dedicated to the study and management of animal behavior in applied settings. Membership of the AAB SIG is diverse and includes academicians, researchers, and practitioners from a variety of disciplines dedicated to, affiliated with or interested in animal behavior in applied settings. We welcome new members who share our interest in animal behavior and applied behavior analysis. The AAB SIG offers an annual student research award in honor of Marian Breland Bailey. This competition is open to all graduate and undergraduate students presenting their research during the annual ABAI conference. |
5. Behavioral Gerontology Special Interest Group |
ALLISON A. JAY (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs), Jonathan C. Baker (Western Michigan University), Linda A. LeBlanc (Auburn University), Stacey M. Cherup (University of Nevada, Reno), Nicholas Mui Ker Lik (Southern Illinois University) |
Abstract: Behavioral Gerontology is the application of behavior analysis to aging and age-related issues (LeBlanc, Raetz, & Feliciano, in press). By the year 2030, nearly 20% of the American population will be over the age of 65. Nearly every specialty area within the field of behavior analysis will be affected, as most areas have an older population. As individuals get older, they are forced to deal with the various issues that are unique to this time in life. However, many of the clinicians trained to work with certain populations do not have the additional training to deal with the behavioral issues that occur in aging settings. The mission of the Behavioral Gerontology Special Interest Group is to provide intellectual, clinical, and organizational support to professionals interested in aging and to foster behavior analytic research in aging. Additionally, we provide support to professionals in other areas of behavior analysis to help them affectively deal with aging issues. |
6. Behaviorists for Social Responsibility |
JOHN E. GLASS (Collin County Community College), Stephen E. Wong (Florida International University), Patrick S. Williams (University of Houston-Downtown) |
Abstract: Behaviorists For Social Responsibility are a Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavior Analysis: International. The mission of Behaviorists for Social Responsibility is to act to expand applications of behavior analysis and cultural analysis addressing social issues, particularly those with social justice, human rights, and environmental implications. Activities of BFSR include: 1) expanding and strengthening the community of behavior analytic scientists working in areas of social importance, providing mutual stimulation and reinforcement for this work, and supporting and challenging each other in deepening it; 2) encouraging advances in the emerging subdiscipline of cultural analysis, in which many promising approaches to dealing with important social issues are grounded; 3) expanding access to current experimental, applied, and conceptual analyses related to social issues and cultural analysis worldwide, through publication of the scientific journal Behavior and Social Issues; 4) encouraging behavior scientists and practitioners to take practical action challenging oppression, in solidarity with those who are most at risk; 5) expanding public awareness of behavior analytic and cultural analytic principles and practices that can contribute to addressing social issues and challenging oppression; and, 6) expanding presentations and programming related to social issues at the annual Association for Behavior Analysis: International convention, and other scientific and professional venues. |
7. Clinical Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group |
THOMAS J. WALTZ (University of Nevada, Reno) |
Abstract: The Clinical SIG will be presenting information on opportunities and developments in clinical behavior analysis. Please stop by and learn more about this exciting area of behavior analysis. |
8. Developmental Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group |
GARY D. NOVAK (California State University, Stanislaus) |
Abstract: The mission of the Behavior Development Bulletin is to provide behavior analysts with peer reviewed scientific information of interest to the behavior community, including research in cognitive development, child emotional development, developmental theory and socialization. Since its inception, the BDB journal has published articles of an inter - and multidisciplinary nature including areas of socio-biology and behavioral methodology. The BDB journal is especially relevant to behavior analysts who study the developmental processes responsible for behavior changes and their progressive organization. The BDB journal hopes to provide answers by looking at the biological and environmental factors that affect behavioral development, while maintaining primarily interest in the role of environmental contingencies in behavior change. |
9. Evidence-Based Practices Special Interest Group |
TERI LEWIS (Oregon State University) |
Abstract: The Evidence-based Practice Collaborative, a Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavior Analysis, was founded in 2007. The purpose of the Evidence-based Practice SIG is to promote socially important behavior by facilitating effective and sustainable practices in real world settings. Our goal is to develop a SIG that reflects member input and focuses on a select number of activities that can be completed within the year. Come by to learn about past and future activities and find out how you can become involved with our SIG. Our goal is to develop a SIG that reflects member input and focuses on a select number of activities that can be completed within the year. It is important that we focus our efforts on those activities that are meaningful and achievable. |
10. Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Special Interest Group |
MANISH VAIDYA (University of North Texas), Eric A. Jacobs (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) |
Abstract: The EAHB-SIG aims to promote the development of the experimental analysis of behavior with human subjects. The SIG maintains The Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, an online journal for the publication of human research, and sponsors a yearly student paper competition. The EAHB SIG also presents a Distinguished Career Award at the annual ABAI conference. |
11. Rehabilitation and Independent Living Special Interest Group |
CHRIS PERSEL (Centre for Neuro Skills) |
Abstract: The Rehabilitation and Independent Living Special Interest Group focuses on networking professionals that work in the field of acquired brain injury and related neurological deficits. Areas of interest include neurobehavioral programs, skill acquisition and relearning, community re-entry, military related brain injuries, funding, current trends, research, jobs and internships. |
12. Sex Therapy and Educational Programming Special Interest Group |
FAWNA STOCKWELL (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology) |
Abstract: The area of sex therapy and education is one that makes many people personally uncomfortable. As such, it has often been ignored, with most unfortunate implications. In addition, only a limited amount of sexual
research has been published to date by the behavior-analytic community. The Sex Therapy and Educational Programming SIG is a Special Interest Group of ABA International with the mission of advancing the use of behavior analysis in the study and treatment of human sexual behavior. This SIG brings together clinicians, researchers, educators, consumers, and families who are concerned with issues of sexuality education and sex therapy. This Special Interest Group will help to promote the use of empirically verified sex education and therapy techniques and materials, and will also promote basic and applied research on the topic of human sexual behavior. |
13. Speech Pathology Special Interest Group |
BARBARA E. ESCH (Esch Behavior Consultants, Inc.), Tracie L. Lindblad (Four Points), Jamie M. Severtson (Western Michigan University) |
Abstract: The Speech Pathology (SPABA) SIG poster will provide information about the SIG’s mission and the mission-related member activities during the past year. The SIG’s mission is to promote dissemination of behaviorally oriented speech and language research and the application of evidence-based practices relevant to the full range of services provided by speech and language professionals. Expo attendees to our poster will receive information about: SIG membership and its benefits, resources that are available on the SIG website, and opportunities for participation on various SIG committees. The poster will also present credentialing information for speech pathologists interested in pursuing the behavior analyst credential. Take away materials will include a hand-out of the poster, the SIG brochure, a description of a behavioral approach to speech pathology, and a SIG business card. In addition, a few SIG members will be available at the poster for informal discussions with visitors and to answer questions and, in general, promote interest in the dissemination of behavioral interventions for speech and language disorders. |
14. Spreading the Word: Dissemination of Behavior Analysis |
JOSH PRITCHARD (University of Nevada, Reno), Sorah Stein (Outreach Services of Indiana), Thomas G. Szabo (University of Nevada, Reno), Enedelia A. Sanner (Independent Behavior Analyst), Jennifer A. Potterfield (Independent Behavior Analyst), Michelle Turan (University of Windsor), Amanda Kelly (SEEM Collaborative), W. Joseph Wyatt (Marshall University) |
Abstract: A review of the past year of this SIG whose mission is to disseminate the science of
behavior to the public at large through the promulgation of easy to understand explanations of what exactly this science is, and help society realize the potential of this science as well as
dispel myths which detract from its positive image. |
15. Teaching Behavior Analysis: A Special Interest Group of ABAI |
CHRISTINE HOFFNER BARTHOLD (University of Delaware), Patrick S. Williams (University of Houston-Downtown) |
Abstract: If you teach others to change behavior, this SIG is for you! Teaching Behavior Analysis (TBA) is a special interest group of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. TBA's purpose is simple-- to improve the teaching and learning of the principles and applications of behavior
analysis in any setting where those activities occur. Our members are not limited to individuals who teach in traditional colleges and universities; we come from a variety of settings. Those settings include formal classrooms; agencies and organizations that design behavioral interventions for children, adults, and animals; business concerns that provide performance management training for their personnel or consultees; and homes where the main concerns are caring and effective child-raising, supportive family relationships, and enjoyable, well-mannered pets. Our activities include an active email listserv (TBA-L) and a social networking site.
Collaborations that began on TBA-L have resulted in presentations at ABAI and other professional meetings. Please stop by and check out what we are all about! |
16. The Behavior Analysis Online Special Interest Group: Current Status of the Special Interest Group and Journals |
JOSEPH D. CAUTILLI (Behavior Analysis and Therapy Partners) |
Abstract: This ABAI EXPO Poster is a presentation of the BAO SIG which oversees the management and publication of online journals within the field of behavior analysis. In the past year, we have experienced many significant changes in the operation and staffing of the journals and have also begun a new journal. A new website for the journals was necessary and we are slowly directing our readership to the new site and continue to publish the journals as free, open-access online journals. The journals have high readership in the U.S. and around the world and are listed in the DOAJ, as well as EBSCO, J-GATE, and now with PSCYINFO, and other online lists. The journals operate with a predominantly volunteer staff with significant contributors and leaders in the field from universities as well as behavioral practitioners serving on the editorial boards. Current statistics and listing of journals and links, as well as contacts for submissions, will be included in this poster. We wish to dedicate the poster to the memory of Craig Thomas, Ph.D., BCBA, a significant innovator, website developer, contributor, behavior analyst and great friend. |
17. The Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network |
SARAH VANSTELLE (Western Michigan University), Jeana L. Koerber (Western Michigan University), Heather M. McGee (Western Michigan University) |
Abstract: The Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network, founded in 1982, exists in order to develop, enhance, and support the growth and vitality of Organizational Behavior Management through: Research, Education, Practice, and Collaboration. The OBM Network is a non-profit organization, whose members are consultants, academicians, students, employees, managers, supervisors, and executives. OBM is a science-based approach to improving human performance and execution in organizations. OBM produces significant and measurable outcomes in behavior change, organization and culture change, organizational management systems, and process improvement. OBM practitioners have a bottom-line focus and their work shows substantial and continuing financial impact to organizations. Individuals interested in applying behavioral principles to the improvement of performance in business and industry are encouraged to visit the OBM Network poster to learn more about OBM, the OBM Network, membership benefits, and the 2011 OBM Network Conference. Informational and promotional materials will be available for all visitors and OBM Network staff will be on hand to discuss the Network and its activities, as well as to answer any questions about the Network and the 2011 OBM Network Conference. |
18. The Positive Behavior Support Special Interest Group (PBS-SIG) |
ROBERT F. PUTNAM (The May Institute) |
Abstract: The Positive Behavior Support Special Interest Group (PBS-SIG) of the Association of Behavior Analysis is dedicated to promoting research-based strategies that combine applied behavior analysis and biomedical science with person-centered values and systems change to increase quality of life and decrease problem behaviors. The overall goal of the PBS SIG to promote the use of positive behavior support interventions in schools, communities, agencies and in homes and support practitioners in its use. The PBS SIG addresses members of ABA engaged in experimental and applied analyses of behavior who are interested in positive behavior support. Established in 2005, the goals of the SIG are to promote and disseminate positive behavior support within ABA. |
19. The Standard Celeration Society |
Kelly J. Ferris (Organization for Research and Learning), WILLIAM J. HELSEL (AGILE@PLEA), Regina G. Claypool-Frey (California Association for Behavior Analysis), Charles T. Merbitz (Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Michael Fabrizio (FEAT of Washington), Richard M. Kubina Jr. (Penn State University) |
Abstract: Since 1990 the Standard Celeration Society (SCS) has comprised a collegial organization for all persons who use Standard Celeration Charts to monitor and change human behavior frequencies. The society’s heritage lies greatly in Precision Teaching and its founder Ogden R. Lindsley, who in 1972 (p. 9) named Precision Teaching because "what was really new in our procedure was precision, we decided to use that as an adjective in front of whatever it was one was doing: hence in our case, "precision teaching." Lindsley (1971) hoped that the standard recording and charting system would be used throughout the behavioral fields as Precision School Psychology, Precision Social Work (Green & Morrow, 1972), Precision Speech Therapy (Johnson, 1972), and so on. Dr. Lindsley’s greatest contribution as written in tribute by T. V. Joe Layng was his showing “that bringing frequency to the people revealed not only his heart, but the heart that resides in the science of human behavior as well.” The Society encourages the development and growth of a science of human behavior and learning, and promotes using the Standard Celeration Chart to further that objective. Ultimately, we have a society to create a more loving, less fearful world. |
20. Autism Special Interest Group |
RUTH M. DONLIN (Private Practice) |
Abstract: The Autism SIG has three primary purposes:
1) To promote behavior analytic research and the exchange of scientific information in the area of autism treatment; 2) To advocate for and promote high standards in the application of behavior analytic treatments; and 3) To support consumers of ABA services. |
21. Parent Professional Partnership Special Interest Group |
DAVID A. CELIBERTI (Association for Science in Autism Treatment) |
Abstract: The Parent-Professional Partnership Special Interest Group (PPP SIG) was created in 2001 to help address the needs of parents within the ABAI community. The PPP SIG provides information, networking opportunities and resources for parents attending the annual ABAI Convention. Although the bulk of our efforts center around autism spectrum disorders, parents of children with other disorders and disabilities may be interested in learning more about the SIG. Our ongoing initiatives include:
• Helping parents involved in applied behavior analytic (ABA) services become more familiar with ABA through information, resources and links
• Providing parents with access to accurate information from other existing resources via links or summaries
• Sharing information with parent attendees prior to the ABAI convention
• Hosting an orientation to parent newcomers at the start of the ABAI convention
• Sponsoring formal conference events that target issues of significance to parents
• Creating opportunities for networking
• Providing a forum for discussion of objectives at our annual business meeting |
22. Association for Science in Autism Treatment |
DAVID A. CELIBERTI (Association for Science in Autism Treatment) |
Abstract: The vast array of "proposed treatments" for autism can be both overwhelming and confusing for consumers. Sadly, there is not a shared commitment to empirical validation, research, and data-based decision making amongst providers. The Association for Science and Autism Treatment (ASAT) strives to be an important resource for individuals with autism, family members, professionals, and paraprofessionals, in fact, for anyone interested in reliable, science-based and accurate information about autism and its treatments. Founded in 1998, the mission of the ASAT is to disseminate accurate, scientifically sound information about treatments for autism and to improve access to effective, science-based treatments for all people with autism, regardless of age, severity of condition, income or place of residence. For more information please visit ASAT's website at www.asatonline.org. |