Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


First International Conference; Italy, 2001

Event Details

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Paper Session #30
Occupation, Economics and Behavior Analysis
Thursday, November 29, 2001
1:00 PM–1:50 PM
Carnelutti Hall
Area: OBM
Chair: Vincenzo Russo (Libera Universita de Lingue e Comunicazione)
Behavior Analysis and Occupational Stress
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
NED CARTER (University Hospital; Uppsala, Sweden), Thomas E. Boyce (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: This paper will examine how behavior analysis can contribute to a more complete description of the conditions producing occupational stress reactions. Conditions influencing acute, transitory and chronic reactions will be described. Some of the implications for performance management and organizational behavior management will be discussed.
Economics and Applied Behavior Analysis
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
ANTHONY J. CUVO (Southern Illinois University)
Abstract: Economic concepts, particularly those from consumer and labor economics, have been adopted by behavior analysts to help explain behavioral phenomena and to guide behavioral research. The field of behavioral economics has been developed in the animal laboratories of scientists working in the experimental analysis of behavior tradition. Although great strides have been made in behavioral economics during the past two decades, nevertheless a limited number of variables have been studied in highly controlled laboratory situations. Many of the economic concepts studied in the experimental analysis of behavior are of potential interest to applied behavior analysts. This presentation will take economic concepts and findings from the experimental analysis of behavior literature and extend them to humans in natural environments encountered by applied behavior analysts. A reinforcement- response cost ratio will be discussed as a basis for making choices in a concurrent schedule situation. It will be argued that choices are made based on the relative marginal reinforcement-response cost ratios of the alternatives. Applied behavior analysts should be sensitive to the components of the reinforcement-response cost ratio and actively manipulated these variables within training sessions. Recommendations based on economics will be made for which variables applied behavior analysts should manipulate.



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