Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


First International Conference; Italy, 2001

Event Details

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Paper Session #88
Autism II
Friday, November 30, 2001
1:00 PM–1:50 PM
Little Theatre Hall
Area: AUT
Chair: Christos Nikopoulos (University of Ulster at Coleraine, Ireland)
Promoting Social Initiation in Children with Autism Using Video Modeling
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
CHRISTOS NIKOPOULOS (University of Ulster at Coleraine, Ireland), Michael Keenan (University of Ulster at Coleraine, Ireland)
Abstract: A large number of studies have shown that children and youths with autism can improve their social skills when provided with appropriate and well planned treatment strategies. Here, a video modeling procedure was implemented with seven developmentally delayed children, using a multiple baseline across subjects design. Each child watched a videotape showing a model and the Experimenter engaged in a simple social interactive play in an adapted free play setting. Afterwards each child's behavior was assessed in this setting, while the Experimenter's behavior remained the same as that shown in the videotape. The video modeling training enhanced the social initiation skills of four children. It also facilitated appropriate play engagement, which generalized across settings, subjects and toys. These changes maintained after a 1- and 2- month follow-up period. In contrary, three children demonstrated insufficient outcomes. In conclusion the intervention was evaluated as a time-efficient teaching tool as well as a means of enhancing appropriate play skills. DESCRIPTORS: social initiation skills, video modeling, appropriate play, generalization. Data Summary Seven children in the range of age from 9 to 15 years old and diagnosed with autism participated in the study. From those seven children four managed to succeed in all the research objectives. The data concerning the main objectives of this research are summarized below: Social Initiation: Steven attended 43 video modeling sessions generally and he emitted a social initiation in the 20 (46.5%) of them. John William attended 46 video modeling sessions generally, and he emitted a social initiation in the 32 (69.5%) of them. Donald attended 59 video modeling sessions generally and he met the criterion in the 27 (45.7%) of them. Ellen attended 40 video modeling sessions generally and she emitted a social initiation in the 21 (52.5%) of them. Appropriate Play: In total, the mean of appropriate play for Steven increased from 0sec during the baseline to 63.3secs (range, 0sec to 290secs) per session during the video modeling conditions. Similarly, the mean of appropriate play for John William increased from 0sec during the baseline to 54.3secs (range, 0sec to 240secs) per session during the intervention. Donald's mean of appropriate play increased from 0sec during the baseline to 42.9secs (range, 0sec to 220secs). Finally, Ellen's mean of appropriate play increased from 14.4secs during the baseline to 140.5secs (range,
Training and Supervision of Teaching Assistants in Intensive Early Behavioral Intervention Home Programs
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JACK SCOTT (Florida Atlantic University)
Abstract: Home-based intensive early behavioral intervention (EIBI) programs for children with autism typically rely on teaching assistants (TAs). Quality programs will have regular supervision and training provided by a competent behavior analyst who is experienced in autism and in establishing an intervention team. In order to provide sufficient program intensity-hours, it is common for two or three TAs to work with one child. A survey was developed to determine recruitment practices, the nature and extent of training, and factors relevant to the satisfaction of TA s. This survey was sent to 1,080 families operating home programs in the United States, Canada, and England. Three companion forms of a survey were sent, with forms for the supervising behavior analyst, TA and parent(s). Of special concern was the proportion of training focused on a) principles and procedures in applied behavior analysis, b) autism and c) issues unique to home-based intervention. Results are discussed in three ways. First, the areas of highest agreement and disagreement among assistants, supervising professionals and parents are presented. Secondly, suggestions for efficiently recruiting, training, supervising, and compensating TA s are presented. Finally, common and divergent factors across individuals in the counties studied are analyzed within the context of, national funding policy and professional supports.



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