Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


10th International Conference; Stockholm, Sweden; 2019

Event Details

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Symposium #39
CE Offered: BACB
International Dissemination of an Effective, Data Based, Socially Valid Intervention Model for Individuals With Autism
Sunday, September 29, 2019
3:00 PM–3:50 PM
Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Level 6, A2
Area: AUT/OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Laura J. Hall (San Diego State University)
CE Instructor: Laura J. Hall, Ph.D.

Designing effective human service and education systems and organizational models with essential features that are clearly defined, consistently implemented, and result in positive outcomes so that the model can be effectively disseminated has been a challenge in the field. Creating a system of interlocking behavioral contingencies aligned with organizational goals that produce positive outcomes is the approach used by behavior analysts consistent with organization behavior management (OBM) (Glenn & Malott, 2004). This symposium will present: 1) a description of the behavioral model of intervention for individuals with ASD developed by McClannahan and Krantz (1993) that includes a system for training staff, monitoring learner progress, and incorporating feedback from colleagues, parents, and community stakeholders in a yoked accountability system that has been implemented in multiple sites in the USA; 2) the dissemination of this model as the Institute for Child Development (IWRD) in Gdansk, Poland and then to other sites in Poland; and 3) dissemination of the model to other countries in Europe. Data demonstrating that the implementation and effectiveness of the model is maintained across programs will be presented. Effective systems that consistently benefit learners with autism and their families are a priority for use by behavior analysts.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): accountability system, autism intervention, socially valid, staff training
Target Audience:

Board Certified Behavior Analysts who are working in with individuals with disabilities in education or human service settings. The content is particularly relevant for program directors or staff supervisors.

Learning Objectives: Participants will identify the essential features of a data based and socially valid model that are required for effective dissemination across states and countries. Participants will describe a yoked system of accountability that results in positive outcomes for individuals with autism Participants will describe a system for staff training that includes inter-observer agreement from multiple supervisors and includes evaluation from colleagues, parents, and consumers

An Effective System of Training and Intervention for Individuals With Autism Disseminated From the USA

LAURA J. HALL (San Diego State University), Iwona Ruta-Sominka (Institute for Child Development, Poland), Anna Budzinska (Institute for Child Development in Gdansk)

The critical features of a model based on the principles of behavior analysis developed by McClannahan and Krantz with a focus on the education and training for individuals with autism will be presented. This yoked, or interlocking system, of training and intervention has resulted in consistent progress for individuals with autism maintained for years of intervention, and across programs implemented at multiple sites in the USA. Using data for feedback and decision-making at all levels is a hallmark of this model. Data is collected on learner progress with goals, staff competence with identified skills, including interpersonal communication, and parent and consumer satisfaction. This model incorporates an accountability system that ensures consistent program effectiveness and addresses behavioral drift. Examples of the data collected at all sites using this model will be presented including, graphs of learner progress, summary data that includes inter-observer agreement scores on learner progress with intervention programs, staff training data with inter-observer agreement data from multiple supervisors, and annual evaluation data from colleagues, parents, and consumers.

Collaboration for Training and Supervision: Centers Recommended by the Institute for Child Development in Poland
IWONA RUTA-SOMINKA (Institute for Child Development, Poland), Marta Wojcik (Institute for Child Development, Gdansk)
Abstract: There is a huge need for an accountability system in any service delivery model based on the concepts of OBM. The Institute for Child Development (IWRD) is the first and the only institution in Poland, which is the member of Alliance for Scientific Autism Intervention (ASAI). All members of ASAI continue to implement the model developed initially by McClannahan and Krantz (1993). This presentation describes the Institute for Child Development (IWRD) model of training and supervision in educational institutions in Poland designed to achieve positive outcomes for children and teenagers with autism. The essential features of this model include: using teaching techniques, based on the principles of behavior analysis with effectiveness demonstrated by scientific research; data collection to monitor child progress; incorporating individualized motivational systems; collaborating with parents regarding educational programs; annual evaluation for all therapists; and systematic supervisions by specialists from IWRD. Currently, seven special kindergartens and schools in Poland are recommended for certification by IWRD. This presentation will include video showing the children's functioning before and after the introduction of effective learning techniques. We will show also the data and graphs of children progress. We will discuss the evaluation process with summary data for all recommended centers.

Expanding the Dissemination of a Science-Based Intervention Model from One Country to Several in Europe

ANNA BUDZINSKA (Institute for Child Development in Gdansk), Iwona Ruta-Sominka (Institute for Child Development, Poland)

The Institute for Child Development (IWRD) is the first and the only institution in Poland, which is the member of Alliance for Scientific Autism Intervention (ASAI). All members of ASAI continue to implement the model developed initially by McClannahan and Krantz (1993). The following presentation will describe the process used to implement the effective science-based intervention model not only in Poland but also in other countries in Europe. Details of the staff training approach used in this model will be presented that includes: workshops on the theory, principles and practices of behavior analysis, practical training at IWRD in Poland, systematic supervision in the workplace in another country and staff evaluation. Staff training in this model requires evaluating therapists’ professional skills at the beginning of the training, after internship in our Institute, and also after one year of independent work under our supervision. Sample data from the professional evaluation demonstrating progress in all needed areas will be presented. Our model of training is also evaluated by all stakeholders or consumers and examples of these data also will be presented.




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