Topics in Education |
Monday, September 30, 2019 |
10:30 AM–11:20 AM |
Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Level 2, C1 |
Area: EDC |
Instruction Level: Intermediate |
Chair: Kristal E. Ehrhardt (Western Michigan University) |
Promoting Behavior Analysis in Schools: Western Michigan University's Interdisciplinary Preparation in Autism Services Project (IPA) |
Domain: Service Delivery |
KRISTAL E. EHRHARDT (Western Michigan University), Jessica E. Frieder (Western Michigan University), Katherine LaLonde (Western Michigan University), Sarah Summy (Western Michigan University), Denise Ross (Western Michigan University), Stephanie M. Peterson (Western Michigan University), Alan D. Poling (Western Michigan University) |
Abstract: This presentation will overview an ongoing interdisciplinary graduate program designed to produce master’s-level graduates with expertise in using behavior analysis effectively in schools. The Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies and the Department of Psychology at Western Michigan University (WMU) share the collaborative program to prepare special education teachers and behavior analysts to meet the high-intensity needs of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
The five-year project, funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education, entitled the Interdisciplinary Preparation in Autism Services (IPA) program will recruit, admit, prepare and graduate 24 scholars, 12 with a master’s degree in special education and a teaching endorsement in ASD and 12 with a master’s degree in behavior analysis and expertise in providing school-based services. All graduates will be prepared for certification as Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs). Graduates of IPA will be highly skilled professionals, well versed in evidence-based assessment and intervention practices in K-12 schools for students with ASD. Also, all graduates will be well prepared to serve as resources to general and special education colleagues.
IPA is in completing the second year of the 5-year-project. This presentation will share our project curriculum, challenges we have faced while planning and implementing this interdisciplinary project, and our initial outcomes. It will also highlight common challenges behavior analysts face when working in schools and offer suggestions for meeting those challenges and for working productively with other professionals, such as special educators, school psychologists, speech pathologists, and social workers. |
Functional Curriculum Design for Language-Cognitive Habilitation: Engineering and Monitoring Complex Contingency Fields |
Domain: Theory |
RICHARD E. LAITINEN (Personalized Accelerated Learning Systems (PALS)), Gladys Williams (CIEL, SPAIN) |
Abstract: The design, implementation and monitoring of complex contingency fields with temporal extent constitutes the pursuit of modern curriculum design. Current research suggests that curriculum design engineers who track the acquisition, retention, generalization and adaptive application of simple and complex forms of contingency control, including the complex stimulus relations considered within a Multi-Level, Multi-Dimensional (MDML) account of relational frame theory, will more efficiently effect significant influence over the language and cognitive development of both experienced and naive learners. This paper will present an overview of how such design efforts might be empirically tracked and validated. |