Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Symposium #540
CE Offered: BACB
Training Professionals to Increase Engagement in Essential Workplace Practices
Monday, May 30, 2022
3:00 PM–3:50 PM
Meeting Level 1; Room 153B
Area: OBM/EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Amanda Austin (Rutgers University)
CE Instructor: Amanda Austin, Psy.M.

All professional settings require the implementation of specific practices to ensure ideal functioning of the organization, produce optimal client outcomes, and even maintain employee well-being. However, the extent to which these practices are performed in the workplace may be variable. Professionals across a variety of applied settings have expressed a desire for more extensive training, describing their initial training experiences as “inadequate” (DiGennaro Reed & Henley, 2015; Freeman et al., 2014). The use of an organizational behavior management (OBM) approach to training has been successful in enhancing staff performance across a multitude of domains and settings (e.g., table busing times, Amigo et al., 2008; EpiPen administration in schools, Whiting et al., 2014). This symposium will introduce three studies that utilized training methods to promote engagement in essential workplace practices. We will begin by presenting a study that examined the use of video modeling and experimenter feedback to train teachers to implement classroom management strategies. We will then discuss a study that used behavioral skills training (BST) to promote the recruitment of supervisor praise. Finally, we will review a study that examined the use of goal setting and graphic feedback in increasing time allocated to educational programming in ABA classrooms.

Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): feedback, training, video modeling
Target Audience:

Supervisors, administrators, training coordinators

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) Provide examples of essential workplace practices and their potential impact on organizational, employee, and client outcomes; (2) List three training methods that can improve staff engagement in essential workplace practices (3) Describe potential benefits and drawbacks of using organizational behavior management interventions in applied settings, as demonstrated in three studies

Learning Classroom Management Skills With Video Models and Feedback

AVNER FRAIDLIN (Western Michigan University), Jessica E. Van Stratton (Western Michigan University)

Evidence-based classroom management strategies are a neglected area in teacher training programs. As a result, newly certified teachers are inadequately trained in classroom management strategies (Freeman et al., 2014) and identify this area as a major reason for leaving the profession (Ingerson et al., 2018). Stevenson et al. (2020) urged teacher training programs to provide future educators with practice opportunities and high-quality feedback on the use of behavioral classroom management strategies. This study evaluated the impact of an online video modeling (VM) and experimenter feedback (EFB) training on accuracy of implementing a classroom management strategy with nine graduate students and one undergraduate student with experience in school settings. Participants’ performance was variable across experimental phases. In the VM condition, some participants’ performance improved while others’ initially increased but did not maintain. In the EFB condition, performance improved across all participants and maintained for most. Description of the training package, advantages, and considerations for using the training to teach others classroom management strategies will be discussed.

Registered Behavior Technicians Recruiting Praise from Supervisors
AMANDA KAZEE (Marcus Autism Center; Children's Healthcare of Atlanta), Susan Wilczynski (Ball State University)
Abstract: Burnout is prevalent among direct care staff serving autistic clients. This study examined if registered behavior technicians (RBTs) can effectively recruit praise from their supervisors, with collateral impacts of increased supervisor delivered praise statements received during treatment sessions as well as increased treatment fidelity during discrete trial training (DTT) sessions. A multiple baseline design across three participant dyads (i.e., supervisor and RBT) was used to evaluate the impact of behavioral skills training (BST) targeting RBT praise recruitment on relevant dependent variables related to praise (i.e., RBT recruitment of praise, supervisor response to recruited praise and corrective statements, overall total praise). Pre- and post-intervention assessment of dependent variables included: treatment fidelity, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS) and Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS). Based on visual analysis of praise-related dependent variables, RBTs trained to recruit praise from their supervisors increased RBT recruitment of praise. In addition, supervisor response to recruited praise and corrective statements, as well as total praise increased across all dyads. Treatment fidelity consistently increased after RBTs were taught to recruit praise. No participants met criteria for “burnout” according to the MBI-HSS at any point in the study. Job satisfaction stayed within the “satisfied” range for all participants pre-and post-intervention.

Increasing Time Allocated to Educational Programming in the Classroom Using Graphic Feedback and Goal Setting

DEBRA PAONE (Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center), Amanda Austin (Rutgers University), Kate E. Fiske Massey (Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center, Rutgers University), Hyein Lee (Rutgers University)

For many learners on the autism spectrum, the amount of time allocated to behavior analytic instruction impacts the acquisition of new skills and progress towards individualized education program (IEP) goals. Three classrooms in a center-based applied behavior analysis (ABA) program were targeted for an intervention that evaluated the effects of graphic feedback and goal setting on the percentage of time allocated to educational programming. Baseline data were recorded to measure time allocated to educational programming during work sessions. After stable baselines were obtained, graphs that displayed the amount of time spent on educational programming, functional routines, breaks, and waiting were reviewed with classroom staff. Staff were asked to set a goal, to be met within one month, to increase the time allocated to educational programing during instructional time. Graphic feedback was shared with the teachers on a weekly basis. Initial results demonstrated an increase in the percentage of intervals with educational programming following feedback sessions across two classrooms. Daily feedback resulted in an increase in percentage of intervals with educational programming for the third classroom. This study provides evidence that graphic feedback and goal setting may help maximize staff’s use of instructional time in the classroom.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh