Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Symposium #426
CE Offered: BACB
Bridging Gaps Through Successful Collaboration: Developing and Maintaining Evidenced Based Education in Public School Classrooms.
Monday, May 26, 2014
3:00 PM–4:50 PM
W183c (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: AUT/EDC; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Valerie Rogers (The ABRITE Organization)
Discussant: Michele D. Wallace (California State University, Los Angeles)
CE Instructor: Valerie Rogers, Ph.D.

Intensive behavioral intervention based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is repeatedly shown to be effective for children with autism and other developmental delays. An increasing literature outlines empirically supported criteria related to treatment components shown to produce the most robust outcomes for children participating in ABA programs. Many times, ABA intervention programs that meet the outlined recommendations involve provision of services within the childs home or in private school settings. There are few descriptions related to ABA intervention programs delivered within public schools. The typical educational placement offered within the state of California is a Special Day Class wherein children with autism are usually exposed to an eclectic blend of educational practices, clearly differing from that suggested within the behavior analytic community. The current symposium seeks to amend this dilemma by describing how evidence-based behavior analytic classrooms can be developed through systematic collaboration between ABA providers and public school districts. Specifically, a programmatic description of public ABA classrooms resulting from such collaboration will be presented, including further detail regarding training packages and student outcomes. In addition, lessons learned from these various undertakings will be discussed.

Keyword(s): ABA, Program Description, Special Education, Staff Training

Components of Successful Collaboration: A Programmatic Description of Intensive Behavioral Intervention Programs within Public School Settings

JANICE DONEY FREDERICK (The ABRITE Organization), Ginger R. Wilson (The ABRITE Organization), Valerie Rogers (The ABRITE Organization), Rebecca S. Raas (The ABRITE Organization)

Intensive behavioral intervention is known to be an empirically validated treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. Still, this critical treatment is rarely employed within the public school settings. This program description provides details related to a collaborative model developed by a non-public agency (NPA) providing behavior analytic services and a public school district in order to create programs grounded solely in applied behavior analytic evidence-based practices for children with a range of developmental delays, including but not limited to, autism spectrum disorder. An overview of the components of the model will be provided as well as review of the process used to develop and expand its application across two classrooms. A focus of discussion will be the form and frequency of collaboration between the NPA and school district staff. In addition, information related to student characteristics as well as program components such as teacher, staff, and parent training, assessment and intervention strategies utilized, and methods for evaluating outcomes within and across students will be presented.


Training Public School Staff in a Behavior Analytic Classroom: A Staff Training and Feedback System for Educators in a Special Day Class

REBECCA S. RAAS (The ABRITE Organization), Janice Doney Frederick (The ABRITE Organization), Ginger R. Wilson (The ABRITE Organization), Valerie Rogers (The ABRITE Organization)

Staff and teacher training play an integral role in the education provided to students in Special Day Classes. The need for effective training is readily observed when considering the training of educators in an applied behavior analysis (ABA) public classroom. The current paper, therefore, describes and evaluates the effectiveness of a training package utilized to teach ABA procedures to school facilitators and teachers. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst trained facilitators and teachers to provide intensive behavioral intervention in a school district ABA program serving children ages 3-10 with global delays and those on the autism spectrum. The training package employed consisted of initial and ongoing training covering various procedures including rapport building, establishing verbal operants, and decreasing undesirable behavior, among many other techniques commonly used in intensive behavioral intervention. The content, training procedures, and outcomes (e.g., maintenance) of the training package will be discussed in further detail along with implications for further trainings.

The Effects of Collaboration on the Repertoires of Students with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities in Behavior Analytic Public Classrooms
VALERIE ROGERS (The ABRITE Organization), Janice Doney Frederick (The ABRITE Organization), Ginger R. Wilson (The ABRITE Organization), Rebecca S. Raas (The ABRITE Organization)
Abstract: The effectiveness of intensive behavioral intervention on skill acquisition and reduction of aberrant behavior with learners with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities is frequently demonstrated within the behavior analytic community. Still, this form of education rarely transpires within the public school system. The current paper presents various outcomes for students enrolled in applied behavior analysis (ABA) classrooms within a public elementary school. The classrooms involved are a result of collaboration between a public school district and an ABA organization. In particular, outcomes related to IEP goals achieved, rates of skill acquisition, maintenance and generalization of acquired skills, and undesirable behavior will be presented for multiple children on the autism spectrum and children with other developmental disabilities, including downs syndrome, enrolled in two different behavior analytic classrooms. The implications of these data as well as future directions related to student progress and methods for measuring and evaluating outcomes will be discussed.
Lessons Learned: Hurdles to Address Before Initiating School-Based Consultation
GINGER R. WILSON (The ABRITE Organization), Janice Doney Frederick (The ABRITE Organization), Valerie Rogers (The ABRITE Organization), Rebecca S. Raas (The ABRITE Organization)
Abstract: There is a noteworthy discrepancy between the services provided privately to children with autism and the services typically offered by local school districts. Parents and educators are calling for the use of empirically supported teaching procedures in public education now more than ever. This push has moved behavior analysts into schools to create more appropriate educational placements for children with autism. Despite this advance, this type of consultation comes with substantial difficulties for the behavior analyst. Creating classrooms based solely on empirical literature, that are implemented within a system that is foreign to these procedures and with staff with a history contrary to these procedures, creates many dilemmas. There is also considerable variability in the way a classroom can be created. For example, there are many options in relation to staff training and variables influencing intervention hours. Moreover, factors such as maneuvering through bureaucracy, communicating with higher-level administration, collaborating with classroom teachers, and creating a system that will program toward future independence are just some of the considerations that the behavior analysts must address. This paper will highlight our evaluation of these factors and the lessons learned throughout the creation of four classrooms within varying school districts.



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