Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Workshop Details

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Workshop #W54
CE Offered: BACB
Designing Effective Behavior Intervention Plans for Residential, Educational and Community Settings,
Saturday, May 24, 2008
8:00 AM–11:00 AM
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
CE Instructor: Jose D. Rios, M.S.
JOSE D. RIOS (Private Practice), HOLLY PARK (Pacific Child and Family Associates, apc.)
Description: This workshop is aimed at professions who review, design, evaluate or implement functional assessment and behavior intervention plans in residential, school, agency or home settings. A primary characteristic of treatment protocols, based on applied behavior analysis, is a clear, specific, step-by-step description of all interventions being recommended. Treatment protocols based on applied behavior analysis require an absolutely clear and precise description of each step of the plan. All procedures must be clearly delineated for staff to follow them-otherwise, recommendations are only loosely followed or their implementation is left up to staff. Clinical accuracy begins at the assessment phase of an intervention plan. The assessment of the function of a behavior forms the basis of behavior analysis, and therefore, is the foundation of a clinically-accurate behavior plan. In this workshop, we will examine the basic foundations of a behavior intervention plan, including common problems that affect the effectiveness and accuracy of such plans. We also will review the various components that should be included in intervention plans and we will discuss and stress the indisputable direct link between assessment findings and treatment strategies that are recommended in such plans. We will discuss the layout and design of a written plan so that it follows a logical progression. A portion of this workshop also will cover ethical considerations and ethical guidelines that must be adhered to when designing and implementing behavior interventions across various settings. This presentation is an intermediate level workshop so participants should have a basic knowledge of behavior intervention strategies as well as functional assessment methodology.
Learning Objectives: The primary objectives of this workshop are for participants to learn to write and design more comprehensive, systematic and accurate behavior intervention plans and to teach participants to better evaluate intervention plans that they (or others) design with the intent of improving service provision. Participants will review and learn to: � Identify common inaccuracies and errors often encountered in the assessment, intervention and evaluation sections of written plans (with the aim of avoiding such errors). � Ensure that their assessment produces the most accurate results possible in their setting (and how to report the assessment findings in the plan). � Ensure that the recommended treatment strategies are linked to the findings of a well-done functional assessment. � Design a plan with a procedural description follows standardized protocols. � Have an understanding of ethical issues related to the development and implementation of behavior intervention plans.
Activities: Participants will be provided with a lecture and presentation of the subject matter. Handouts also will be provided in addition to several exercises in which participants will review and evaluate actual plans that we have determined to be "clinically-challenged." Other handouts on related material also will be made available.
Audience: BCBAs, BCABAs, behavior specialists and consultants, educators, school psychologists and other professionals who review, design, evaluate and/or implement functional assessment and behavior intervention plans in residential, school, agency or home settings.
Content Area: Practice
Instruction Level: Intermediate



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Modifed by Eddie Soh