Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #560
CE Offered: BACB
Making ABA a First Choice Treatment in More Settings
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
12:00 PM–1:20 PM
Williford A
Area: EDC/TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Deirdre Lee Fitzgerald (Eastern Connecticut State University)
Discussant: Donn Sottolano (Area Cooperative Educational Services)
CE Instructor: Deirdre Lee Fitzgerald, Ph.D.

Behavior Analysis provides an effective and efficient means of increasing the success of learners in a variety of settings. Despite strong empirical support for a principled approach to arranging learning and the demonstrated effectiveness of many specific programs and procedures, Behavior Analysis is not a first choice intervention in many contexts. Even in the treatment of individuals with autism where it has enjoyed noteworthy popular and scientific acclaim, practitioners are repeatedly challenged to defend its use. Factors that will increase the wide scale acceptance of Behavior Analysis will be discussed.

Why Data are not Enough to Increase the Adoption of Effective Practices.
MELISSA MICHAUD (Eastern Connecticut State University), Deirdre Lee Fitzgerald (Eastern Connecticut State University), Tricia Heavysides (Eastern Connecticut State University), Jessica Paredes (The New England Center for Children)
Abstract: Scientific evidence drives the work of all Behavior Analysts. It is part of the conceptual underpinnings of the discipline, it drives all of our assessment work, and directs the design and implementation of interventions. The same evidence does not sway consumers of our services, though. Behavior Analysts often find that despite convincing empirical findings, consumers make treatment choices that are not grounded in data. Discussion will address why this is the case. Ways to increase the acceptance of behavioral interventions will be proposed.
Making University Training Part of the Solution.
MENIKA S. SCHULTE (Eastern Connecticut State University), Deirdre Lee Fitzgerald (Eastern Connecticut State University)
Abstract: Behavior Analytic university based training programs have many models for effective practice. The standards of the Association for Behavior Analysis International and those of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board provide precise and clear standards for student skill development. Universities can contribute to the wide scale acceptance of behavioral interventions by training professionals that are both stewards and advocates. Specific repertoires that will facilitate these roles will be addressed.
Increasing the Social Validity of Behavioral Interventions.
MALLORY KEEGAN (Eastern Connecticut State University), Putita St. Onge (Eastern Connecticut State University), Deirdre Lee Fitzgerald (Eastern Connecticut State University)
Abstract: Social validity measures are important components of well-designed behavioral interventions. Extensive research has documented the need for these analyses. How this research can be applied to the goal of making behavioral interventions a first choice treatment in more settings and for more populations will be discussed.



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