Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #77
CE Offered: BACB
Teaching Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Inclusive Settings
Saturday, May 28, 2005
4:00 PM–5:20 PM
Continental A (1st floor)
Area: AUT; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Mariela Vargas-Irwin (CEC-Behavioral Services)
CE Instructor: Mariela Vargas-Irwin, Psy.D.

The education of children with autism in natural environments poses a unique set of challenges to the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. Rather than transporting children to environments that have specifically been designed to meet their needs, inclusion strives to both help children adapt to their community and to change these natural environments to meet their needs. This symposium examines different issues in the education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the natural environment.

How Do Kids Talk? Using Skinner's Classification of Verbal Behavior to Analyze Natural Language Samples
MARIELA VARGAS-IRWIN (CEC-Behavioral Services), Christine Florentino (CEC-Behavioral Services), Madhuri Vengala (CEC-Behavioral Services), Emily McCort (CEC-Behavioral Services), Steffanie Richards Koue (CEC-Behavioral Services), Rafael Castro (CEC-Behavioral Services)
Abstract: Skinner's classification of verbal behavior in mands, tacts, echoic, and intraverbals was used to analyze natural language samples of kindergarten, first grade, and second grade typically developing students. When compared to natural language samples of children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders, typical children were found to have larger proportions of tacts and intraverbals. Significant differences between typically developing girls and boys were also observed. Implications for language pragmatic and social skills training are discussed.
Teaching Critical Social Skills in Inclusive Settings
MADHURI VENGALA (CEC-Behavioral Services), Mariela Vargas-Irwin (CEC-Behavioral Services), Christine Florentino (CEC-Behavioral Services), Emily McCort (CEC-Behavioral Services), Steffanie Richards Koue (CEC-Behavioral Services), Rafael Castro (CEC-Behavioral Services)
Abstract: Proximity to children, receipt of social bids from other children, spontaneous verbalizations towards adults and children, and focus on toys have been identified as critical indicators of social skills in pre-school children with autism. This case presentation examines the data collected on the social behaviors of a pre-school student with Pervasive Developmental Disorder who was integrated in a typical pre-school with the support of instructor trained in Applied Behavior Analysis. During the baseline observation, the subject remained within three feet of other children 40% of intervals. He initiated verbal interaction towards another child once and did not receive any bids from other children. He remained focused on toys 100% of intervals. Post-intervention data revealed that the subject remained within three feet of other children 100% of intervals, initiated verbal social interaction with peers 53% of intervals, initiated verbal social interaction with adults 6% of intervals, received social bids 17% of intervals, and remained focused on toys 100% of intervals. For comparison purposes, social behavior data were collected on two randomly selected typically developing peers. The subject’s social behavior closely approximated that of his typically developing peers.
LATE Intervention for Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders
EMILY MCCORT (CEC-Behavioral Services), Leila Meehan (CEC-Behavioral Services), Mariela Vargas-Irwin (CEC-Behavioral Services), Steffanie Richards Koue (CEC-Behavioral Services), Rafael Castro (CEC-Behavioral Services)
Abstract: In the field of autism there is extensive empirical support for the importance of beginning intensive intervention immediately after diagnosis. However, intensive services are sometimes offered by local school districts only after strong parent advocacy. This case study presents pre and post intervention data for a child with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified who began receiving one-to-one instruction based on Applied Behavior Analysis at age eleven. The data documents the importance of advocating for behavioral education for older children.
Teaching Sports Skills and Sports General Knowledge to children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders
CHRISTINE FLORENTINO (CEC-Behavioral Services), Mariela Vargas-Irwin (CEC-Behavioral Services), Emily McCort (CEC-Behavioral Services), Steffanie Richards Koue (CEC-Behavioral Services), Rafael Castro (CEC-Behavioral Services)
Abstract: Many children with PDD acquire basic ball kills, such as kicking, throwing, and catching through discrete trial training. These skills, however, are difficult to put to use in natural social situations. This study examines the effect of video modeling and discrete trial training on the acquisition of basketball and soccer skills.



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