Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

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Symposium #180
CE Offered: BACB
Recent Advancements in Caregiver and Staff Training
Monday, May 30, 2016
8:00 AM–9:50 AM
Columbus Hall GH, Hyatt Regency, Gold East
Area: AUT/PRA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Samantha Bergmann (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Discussant: Linda A. LeBlanc (Trumpet Behavioral Health)
CE Instructor: Samantha Bergmann, M.A.
Abstract: Effective and efficient caregiver and staff training procedures are critical to the field of behavior analysis to ensure fidelity of implementation of interventions. The procedures evaluated in the current studies expand the reach of behavior analytic interventions and allow a larger population to access efficacious teaching strategies. First, Toussaint, Fernandez, Cowan, and Horsch utilized a computer-based training package to teach novice behavioral therapists to implement a naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention (NDBI). Therapists’ implementation of the NDBI intervention improved. Next, LeBlanc et al., examined the effects of video modeling to teach parents to implement the naturalistic language paradigm (NLP) with their children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Integrity of NLP implementation with an adult confederate and their children improved. In the third study, Giannakakos, Vladescu, and Simon evaluated written instructions, video modeling with voiceover instruction, and direct training to teach parents to correctly identify, install, and use child car seats. Finally, Cordova, Phillips, Fritz, and Lerman investigated a train-the-trainer model in which caregivers, who were trained by professionals, trained other caregivers to implement FCT with their children diagnosed with ASD. Caregivers’ integrity of implementation improved following training. Directions for future research and implications for clinical applications will be discussed.
Keyword(s): caregiver training, computer-based training, staff training, video modeling
Evaluation of a Computer-Based Training Package on Novice Instructors' Implementation of a Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention
KAREN A. TOUSSAINT (University of North Texas), Karen Fernandez (University of North Texas), Landon Cowan (University of North Texas), Rachel Horsch (The University of North Texas)
Abstract: The current evaluation assessed the effects of a computer-based training package to teach novice behavioral therapists to implement a naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention (NDBI). A multiple baseline design across two trainee-child dyads indicated that training resulted in improved implementation of techniques for the staff participants and that these skills maintained over a one-month follow-up period. In addition, child-participants’ unprompted requests increased with increases in staff performance.

Using Video Modeling to Teach Parents to Use the Natural Language Paradigm

BRITTANY LEBLANC (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Tiffany Kodak (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Samantha Bergmann (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Stephanie Zettel (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Brittany Benitez (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Sophie Knutson (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Ashley Shannon-Jackson (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

There is paucity of research examining the use video modeling to train parents to implement formats of early intervention such as Naturalistic Environmental Training (NET). The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of video modeling to train parents to implement the Naturalistic Language Paradigm (NLP), a specific format of NET, with their children diagnosed with or suspected of having autism spectrum disorder and to extend the current literature on NLP. All three parents demonstrated accurate performance of the components of NLP with the confederate and met the mastery criterion in two or three video modeling sessions. We measured the parents accurate implementation of each NLP component skill across phases of the study. Results showed that video modeling did not teach all component skills to mastery. We also measured the generalization of the parents NLP implementation to their child and to the home setting. Generalization of the NLP component skills to sessions with their child was observed for all three participants, and generalization to the home was observed for two of the three participants. Maintenance probes conducted one and three weeks after training showed continued high levels of accurate implementation of NLP with for two parents. Implications for the use of video modeling to teach NLP to parents will be discussed.

Training Individuals to Teach Correct Identification, Installation, and Use of Child Car Seats
RACHEL SIMON (Livingston High School), Antonia Giannakakos (Caldwell College), Jason C. Vladescu (Caldwell College)
Abstract: Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in children. The correct use of child safety restraint systems such as car seats can reduce the likelihood that a child will be injured or killed during a crash. Unfortunately, approximately 70 percent of car seats are misused in a way that could increase the risk of injury during a crash. Given the seriousness of this problem, the purposes of the current study were threefold. First, we sought to evaluate the use of a job aid to teach participants to correctly identify the appropriate car seat arrangement (e.g., forward- or rear-facing) based on hypothetical child characteristics. Second, we evaluated the use of video modeling with voiceover instruction to train participants to correctly install a car seat in the forward- and rear-facing position using two methods (seat belt and LATCH). Last, we evaluated teaching participants to correctly harness a child into a car seat. Next steps in this line of research and implications for car seat installation instructions will be discussed.
Improving Access to Care for Challenging Behavior Using a Parent-to-Parent Mentoring Approach
SAMANTHA CORDOVA (University of Houston - Clear Lake), Lauren Phillips (University of Houston - Clear Lake), Jennifer N. Fritz (University of Houston-Clear Lake), Dorothea C. Lerman (University of Houston-Clear Lake)
Abstract: Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are more likely to engage in challenging behavior, such as aggression and self-injury, than children without ASD. If left untreated, these behaviors can increase in severity over time, causing significant stress on families. Numerous studies over the 30 years have demonstrated the efficacy of behavioral treatments for these challenging behaviors, particularly an intervention called functional communication training (FCT). Furthermore, caregivers have been able to effectively implement FCT in home settings to reduce their children's challenging behavior. However, all caregivers to date have been trained by professionals. The waiting lists to obtain these professional services can be quite lengthy, and these services are even less accessible to ethnically diverse, low-income families due to language and financial barriers. In this study, we evaluated a model of training in which caregivers trained by professionals then trained other parents to implement FCT with their children in the home setting. This model has the potential to expand clinical service availability in rural, low-income communities, as well as to more diverse ethnic groups who face barriers to receiving services for their children’s challenging behavior.



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