Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.

Recognition Actions

The ABAI Recognition Committee informs the public of the reason(s) for the recognition actions. 


Actions by the ABAI Recognition Committee

 The ABAI Recognition Committee may make any of the following decisions with respect to programs already recognized or seeking initial recognition or re-recognition.


Committee Decisions:

  • Grant Recognition or Re-recognition: The ABAI Recognition Committee normally will grant recognition for a period of three (3) years, but may grant recognition for shorter or longer cycles in exceptional cases. Recognition is granted if the program meets the required standards. Recognition status is granted based on a calendar year with expiration occurring at the end of the year. For recognized programs, the grant is from the expiration date of the previous grant of recognition.
  • Provisional Recognition: The ABAI Recognition Committee, in its discretion, may grant provisional recognition to initial applicants for periods of three (3) years. Clear criteria are specified for subsequent review, on a given schedule, for the purpose of recommending full recognition at the end of the provisional period.
  • Defer: The ABAI Recognition Committee may defer a decision on initial or re-recognition pending receipt of (a) further evidence or clarification of unclear points or (b) evidence that the program has made specific improvements within a given timeframe, normally one (1) year. The ABAI Recognition Committee will inform the program, in writing, why its decision was deferred. If recognized, the program’s previous grant of recognition is automatically extended during the deferral period.
  • Deny Recognition: A new grant of recognition may be denied if the program fails to meet one or more of the standards, policies, or procedures of the ABAI Recognition Committee. The ABAI Recognition Committee will inform the program, in writing, of the reasons for the denial.
  • Withdraw Accreditation: 
    • Committee withdrawal: The ABAI Recognition Committee may withdraw the current grant of recognition from a program at any time prior to the official expiration date if the ABAI Recognition Committee finds that the program has not demonstrated its compliance with the standards, policies, and procedures. The ABAI Recognition Committee will inform the program, in writing, why its recognition is being withdrawn. Refusal of a review meeting will be considered sufficient grounds for withdrawal of recognition.
    • Voluntary withdrawal: The program has chosen to voluntarily withdraw its recognition application, or the program has allowed its recognition status to expire. The program is recognized through the posted expiration date. 



Recent Recognition Committee Decisions


Programs will be listed below for at least 1 year from the Committee's decision. See the complete list of ABAI-Recognized Programs. Programs are listed in alphabetical order by institution name. 


Institution Name



Program Name

Committee Decision
ABA Online Undergraduate Equivalent 4b ABA PRO March 2024: Recognize for 3 years

Assumption University Master's 2a M.A. in Applied Behavior Analysis

July 2023: Provisional Recognition for 3 years

Associations for the Advancement of Radical Behavior Analysis and the Italian-American Association of Behavior Analysis and Modification, and Behavioral-Cognitive Therapy 


Graduate equivalent 4a

Corso di Alta Formazione in Behavior Analysis 

(Advanced Training Course in Behavior Analysis) 

October 2024: Defer recongition decision for 1 year

Eastern Connecticut State University Bachelor's 2b B.S. in Psychology, Concentration in Behavior Analysis

January 2024: Recognize for 3 years

David Yellin Academic College for Education Graduate non-degree 3a Post-Graduate Course in Applied Behavior Analysis

July 2024: Provisional Recognition for 3 years

Oranim Academic College for Education Undergraduate non-degree 3a Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis September 2024: Defer recognition decision for 1 year
University of Washington Master's 2a M.Ed. in Special Education - Applied Behavior Analysis, On-Campus June 2024: Defer recognition decision for 1 year

University of Washington Master's 2a M.Ed. in Special Education - Applied Behavior Analysis, Online June 2024: Defer recognition decision for 1 year


Modifed by Eddie Soh