Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.

Tiered Model Documents


Eligibility Request


To formally initiate the recognition process, programs should complete the intent to apply and corresponding program details document. More information can be found on the Recognition Eligibility page.


Guidance Documents and Resources


Please review each of the guidance documents below for additional information regarding to ABAI recognition.

 Syllabus Supports

  • Sample Syllabi: The Accreditation Board reviewed and published exemplary syllabi for some content areas. The purpose of this resource is to provide programs with examples that they reference rather than replicate.
    • Note: These sample syllabi are published in isolation and therefore the scope and type of curriculum must be considered while reviewing the contents. Duplicating one of these sample syllabi may not serve your program well and does not necessarily guarantee the other parts of the curriculum cover the necessary requirements. Some of these courses are presented in companion with other courses and content areas, offered as electives in addition to the required hours, or are intended to fulfill only some of the required content areas hours.
  • Syllabus Review: Programs transitioning to the Tiered Model standards may submit completed syllabi for review, prior to implementing it in the new curriculum and applying for recognition.


Recognition Application


All programs seeking recognition must complete the application in its entirety and provide evidence of each standard, regardless of prospective tier. Once your program is deemed eligible to apply, you will receive access to the online application. Programs can begin compiling information related to each standard using the documents below.


Note: As of September 20, 2024, these templates have been updated for clarifications and editorial improvements. Please use the current versions when preparing your application.



Preparing for the Review Meeting



Recognized Programs


  • Annual Report Requirements: This document outlines the information and data required from recognized programs for the annual report.


Recognition Policies





Modifed by Eddie Soh