Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Symposium #367
CE Offered: BACB
A Multi-State Discussion of Legislation, Licensure and Certification
Monday, May 31, 2010
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
213B (CC)
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Chair: Kenneth MacAleese (Advanced Child Behavior Solutions, LLC)
CE Instructor: Christopher Perrin, M.S.Ed.
Abstract: Behavior analysis is emerging into an era in which third party funding for behavioral treatment for children with autism and other individuals with developmental delays. While some behavior analysts have hired professional lobbyists, others have attempted the legislative game on their own. This symposium brings together behavior analysts from four different states to tell their story of legislative advocacy, its successes, or lack thereof, and what lessons they have learned and wish to pass on.
Florida: Misinformation, Missteps, and Mischief in Our Pursuit of Licensure for Behavior Analysts
JON S. BAILEY (Florida State University)
Abstract: Over 15 years ago two naïve but eager young behavior analysts inserted themselves into the legislative process, were pummeled by the politicos, and emerged wiser and more wary than ever of “the real world.” We subsequently worked with the FABA Board, hired a lobbyst, wrote a bill, got a sponsor, and entered the fray again. Now, many years later we still bear the scars, and the fears; in this presentation I will attempt to tell our story for the edification and amusement of others who may be seeking licensure in this new, perhaps more progressive, era.
Nevada: A Case Study in Licensure of Behavior Analysts
KENNETH MACALEESE (Advanced Child Behavior Solutions, LLC), Josh Pritchard (University of Nevada, Reno), Kimberly Nix Berens (Center for Advanced Learning, Inc.), Erick M. Dubuque (University of Nevada, Reno), Molly L. Dubuque (Advanced Child Behavior Solutions, LLC)
Abstract: Nevada was the 11th state to pass legislation to mandate insurance companies to cover behavior analytic treatments for children diagnosed with Autism. In the development of Assembly Bill 162 (AB 162), legislators and representatives of the insurance industry required licensure for behavior analysts practicing in Nevada. Once the bill became law, the Nevada State Board of Psychological Examiners (NSBPE) received the task of developing the details of governance of the behavior analytic profession as it related to autism treatments. A small group of professional behavior analysts in Nevada organized and attended the NSBPE subcommittee meetings to provide insight and guidance while these rules were created. This paper discusses the various triumphs and tribulations experienced during the creation of the licensing language with the NSBPE and will examine the rationale behind the language proposed. A contingency analysis of the exam board’s motivating factors will be discussed that enabled a positive and productive dialogue between behavior analysts and the NSBPE.
Texas: The Development of Funding for Applied Behavior Analysis
JEFFREY C. ENZINNA (Texana Center)
Abstract: This presentation describes the activities over the past several years directed toward obtaining funding for services provided by board certified behavior analysts in Texas. The outcomes include changes to state regulations which now include BCBAs as eligible providers in three Medicaid Waiver programs and in the state-funded services for people with developmental disabilities. Also achieved was the passing and subsequent expansion of legislation mandating insurance reimbursement for services for children with autism, including applied behavior analysis services provided by BCBAs. Strategies used to accomplish these outcomes will be described including methods used to gain support and language used in legislation. The results described have enabled expansion of behavior analytic services for people with developmental disabilities in Texas. These results have also enabled agencies to employ BCBAs to provide services which were previously either unfunded or funded only when delivered by licensed psychologists. It has enabled BCBAs in private practice to be reimbursed by sources in addition to private pay. These outcomes have enabled expansion of the number of BCBAs in Texas.
Missouri: The Path to Insurance Coverage for Applied Behavior Analysis
TODD M. STREFF (Great Strides Behavioral Consulting, Inc)
Abstract: Many parents, providers, and Senators are pushing the insurance companies to pass insurance coverage for therapies related to autism treatment. In early 2009, SB167 was proposed to provide ABA services to individuals with Autism under the age of 18 years old. It passed through the house on a 29-2 vote but was not taken up by the House before the session expired. In that proposal, individuals were required to be either certified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board or under the supervision of someone with that certification. A revised bill is currently being discussed that will be filed in December for the 2010 session. During testimony for the 2010 bill, the insurance companies are proposing language for state licensure of Behavior Analysts. This push for licensure brings forth many questions and concerns regarding the benefits of licensure versus certification for providers of ABA services and for the families receiving those services across the state. These issues will be discussed and the rationales for both will be identified.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh