Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Program by Invited Tutorials: Monday, May 26, 2008

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Invited Tutorial #331
CE Offered: BACB
Tutorial: Behavior Analysis in the Mainstream of Human Life: Now is the Time
Monday, May 26, 2008
9:00 AM–9:50 AM
International North
Area: PRA; Domain: Service Delivery
BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: Patrick C. Friman, Ph.D.
Chair: F. Charles Mace (University of Southern Maine)
Presenting Authors: : PATRICK C. FRIMAN (Father Flanagan's Girls and Boys' Town)

Skinners vision for behavior analysis was that it would become a mainstream science pertinent to both the minor and major problems of everyday human life. Clearly his vision has not been realized. Behavioral analysis has produced extraordinary findings in its basic domain and made multiple major contributions in several applied domainsbut the best known of these contributions have been in the tails of the normal distribution of human problems (e.g., developmental disabilities). General applicability of behavior analysis to human problems is still seen as very limited by those outside the field. If behavior analysis is to become a mainstream science it will simply have to address more mainstream problems. Potential examples are virtually limitless. Behavioral methods can be or have been used to address such problems as the behavior problems of powerful despots who have yet to graduate from kindergarten, soiling and wetting--not just in children but also in the aged, other behavior problems in the elderly, sleep and sleeplessness, anxious behavior, depressed behavior, andno kidding--male fertility. This presentation will cover a range of problems that have either benefited from or could benefit from behavior analysis and that are extensive both in terms of the frequency of their occurrence and their relevance to mainstream human life.

PATRICK C. FRIMAN (Father Flanagan's Girls and Boys' Town)
Dr. Patrick C. Friman received his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas under the Mentorship of Drs. Montrose M. Wolf and Edward R. Christophersen. He is Director of Clinical Services Father Flanagan’s Boys Home and a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Nebraska School of Medicine. He has held faculty positions at the University of Nevada as well as Johns Hopkins and the University of Pennsylvania Schools of Medicine. He is the outgoing Editor of The Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and is on the editorial boards of nine other peer-reviewed scientific journals. He has published more than 150 scientific papers most of which involve behavior disorders of childhood in general, and behavioral pediatrics in particular. Generally, Dr. Friman’s research addresses the gap between outpatient well child medical care on one side, and referral-based clinical child psychologic and psychiatric care on the other. The gap includes behavior problems that bedevil parents, are outside the core curriculum used to train pediatricians, and yet are not sufficiently serious to warrant serious psychiatric diagnosis. For example, his research on solving bedtime problems was published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, and presented at a large press conference in New York City, sponsored by the American Medical Association, at which the Surgeon General of the United States presented Dr. Friman to the press. His most recent book is Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You: Now Get in Bed and Go to Sleep.
Invited Tutorial #362
CE Offered: BACB
Tutorial: Funding Behavioral Research
Monday, May 26, 2008
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
International North
Area: OBM/CSE; Domain: Applied Research
BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: W. Kent Anger, Ph.D.
Chair: Alicia M. Alvero (Queens College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Presenting Authors: : W. KENT ANGER (Oregon Health & Science University), Oliver Wirth (CDC/NIOSH)

This invited tutorial will present useful information regarding funding for behavioral research. Dr. Oliver Wirth, a Researcher at National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), will discuss the current atmosphere at NIOSH regarding funding behavioral safety research. He will provide strategies and tactics for increasing successfully funded grant applications. Dr. Kent Anger, a Senior Scientist and Associate Director from Oregon Health and Science University, will share his successful experiences with obtaining federal extramural funding. He will demystify the process of submitting a successfully funded grant from the identification of a fundable line of research to interpretation of the application review. This will be a unique experience to hear perspectives from both sides of the grant application process.

W. KENT ANGER (Oregon Health & Science University), Oliver Wirth (CDC/NIOSH)
Dr. W. Kent Anger is an experimental psychologist who worked at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in Cincinnati and joined the Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology (CROET) at Oregon Health & Science University in 1989 where he is a Senior Scientist and Associate Director and has been continuously funded by federal grants for the last 16 years. He is responsible for CROET’s outreach program while maintaining an active, funded research program. Dr. Anger specializes in identifying nervous system effects of chemical exposure and computer-based training to prevent accidents and hazards leading to disease or dysfunction in the workplace. He has authored over 75 publications and served in an advisory role for the World Health Organization, National Research Council, and National Institutes of Health, among other organizations. Present grant support from NIOSH and NIEHS is focused on effectiveness of computer-based training in managers and blue collar workers and assessing effects of pesticide exposures on the nervous system in agricultural workers.
Invited Tutorial #392
CE Offered: BACB
Tutorial: Creating and Managing Distance Learning Courses for Behavior Analysis
Monday, May 26, 2008
11:00 AM–11:50 AM
Grand Ballroom
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: Leslie S. Burkett, Ph.D.
Chair: Pamela G. Osnes (Behavior Analysts, Inc.)
Presenting Authors: : LESLIE S. BURKETT (University of North Texas)

Distance learning is here to stay and growing fast. To "grow" our field and compete in today's educational world, "we happy few" need to embrace this opportunity to disseminate our knowledge into remote areas and provide courses for degrees and certification requirements. This tutorial will provide an overview of what it takes to set up and manage distance learning courses. Topics of the tutorial include: the Instruction, Delivery methods, Technology, Costs, and Ongoing course administration with the focus on student learning. Based on our own extensive experience at the University of North Texas as well as research on how others handle their online courses, the tutorial addresses these questions: Where do I start? What's involved? What's different about "distance" learning? Can I do it myself, or what kind of help do I need? What kinds of instruction work best? How much will it cost? Will students be successful learners? How will I know?

LESLIE S. BURKETT (University of North Texas)
Dr. Leslie S. Burkett is Project Coordinator for the graduate certificate distance learning courses at the Department of Behavior Analysis, University of North Texas. She earned her masters in Behavior Analysis and doctorate in Information Science, both at the University of North Texas. Inspired 20 years ago by Sigrid Glenn’s visionary plan to use the computer to implement B. F. Skinner’s teaching machine, Dr. Burkett has collaborated with Dr. Glenn to develop a highly successful program of courses designed to build complex behavior analytic repertoires using highly interactive, multichannel, multimedia online instruction. As a result, Dr. Burkett has experience in most aspects of distance learning, participating as instructional designer and developer, computer programmer, web site developer, and course administrator for 25 semesters. She has shared research data as well as instructional and technological techniques related to online distance learning through many ABA presentations over the past 15 years.
Invited Tutorial #402
CE Offered: BACB
Tutorial: Evo-Devo
Monday, May 26, 2008
1:30 PM–2:20 PM
International North
Area: DEV/TPC; Domain: Theory
BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: Peter Killeen, Ph.D.
Chair: Hayne W. Reese (West Virginia University)
Presenting Authors: : PETER KILLEEN (Arizona State University)

This SIG emphasizes environmental-unit behavior-unit interactions; recent progress in evolutionary developmental biology--evo-devoprovides potentially useful templates for refining the definition of such units, and broadening possibilities of the modes in which they interact. Among these concepts are heterochrony, variation by changes in temporal sequence, such as neoteny; the role of modularity in evolution; how modifications of developmental processes lead to the production of novel features; the role of developmental plasticity in evolution; how ecology impacts development and evolutionary change; and the developmental basis of homoplasy and homology. As a familiar example, a homology in biology is any similarity between characters that is due their shared ancestry; in functional analysis, great efforts are taken to identify the variables of which behavior is a function. Is it useful to treat those that are under the control of the same reinforcer as homologs, and those that merely share a similar topography as analogs? Is the ability of the homeobox to activate correlated sets of genes enlightening for the analysis of establishing stimuli? Do the various forms of paedomorphisis and peramorphosisthe juvenilezation/senescization of morphologyhave analogs in behavior? Does the efficiency of evolution, crafting endless forms most beautiful from a meager number of genes, suggest mechanisms for the blossoming of creative behavior in homo Sapiens? In this collaborative presentation, the evo-devo concepts will be explained and serve as stimuli; groups of the audience will be encouraged to respond with behavioral analogs of the biological processes, and evaluate their potential utility.

PETER KILLEEN (Arizona State University)
Prof. Peter Killeen was born to a mailman and housewife on the day the Alaska Highway was completed, his mother swearing hers was the greater labor. He took a Bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University, which is not located in Ann Arbor, and left for Harvard. Distracted from the study of psychophysics and cognition by the bad behavior of the operant graduate students, he conjured data showing that the harmonic mean rate of reinforcement, not the arithmetic rate, controls choice. This was not understood by foraging theorists, but it was enough to get him from Fort Skinner to Fort Skinner in the Desert—called that because the other behaviorists deserted it soon after Killeen arrived. Arizona State University, where he behaved for subsequent decades, is not located in Tucson. At ASU Killeen met John Falk, causing him to study adjunctive behavior, Art Bachrach, causing him to study superstition, and Greg Fetterman, causing him to study time. An important influence was Bill Uttal, who, against all Killeen’s arguments, converted to behaviorism. Martha wanted Killeen to say something, and Jack thought Evo-Devo sounded better than Nugatory Null. Those are the variables of which this function is a function.
Invited Tutorial #468
CE Offered: BACB
Tutorial: Licensure for Behavior Analysts: Has the Time Arrived?
Monday, May 26, 2008
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
Grand Ballroom
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: Michael Weinberg, Ph.D.
Chair: Maria R. Ruiz (Rollins College)
Presenting Authors: : MICHAEL WEINBERG (Orlando Behavior Health Services, LLC)

This tutorial will focus on the comments made in the preceding panel discussion on the topic of licensure of behavior analysts by Joseph Cautilli, Ph.D., BCBA. In his presentation, Dr. Cautilli presented a comparison analysis of the professionalism of Behavior Analysis and other professions, with regard to licensure and their histories. This tutorial will present some parallel histories of development with other professions including psychology, social work, speech, and the NBCC (certification for counselors). The issue of licensure for behavior analysts is indeed a controversial one with myriad guild, professional and legal ramifications and considerations. Given the now 50 year history of Behavior Analysis flagship journal, JEBA, and 40 years if JABA, as well as the creation of the BACB in 2000, now the standard for behavior analyst practitioners in the United States and other countries, has the time come for licensure? The reasons for licensure and what makes it different from certification will be presented. Ethical and legal ramifications (protecting the public), as well as third party payment, are among the main distinctions, and reasons for pursuing licensure.

MICHAEL WEINBERG (Orlando Behavior Health Services, LLC)
Dr. Michael Weinberg is editor and a co-founder of the Behavior Analyst Today, and Behavior Analyst Online journals, and founder and president of Orlando Behavior Health Services, L.L.C., a BACB approved CE provider. He received his Ph.D. in 1985 in the experimental analysis of behavior program at Temple University, and B.A. in psychology in 1977 with an ABA focus at the E.K. Shriver Center and Northeastern University. Dr. Weinberg is a licensed psychologist in three states, and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, with over 30 years of experience in the field, providing treatment to children and adults with developmental disabilities, autism, emotional and behavioral disorders, and other disorders. He has been on the part-time faculty of Temple University, Psychology Department, adjunct at Rutgers University, and Penn State University. He was also a BACB approved independent instructor of certification courses in Florida. Dr. Weinberg has published articles and book chapters in behavior analysis in the areas of juvenile justice, functional analysis, and reactive attachment disorder. He conducts workshops and training on OBM, behavioral counseling approaches, and other areas. A Trustee of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, and collaborated in the development of an accreditation process for programs providing ABA services.



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