The ABAI Program Board and Committee facilitate the development and scheduling of the annual convention program, including the recruitment of invited presenters and review and scheduling of presentations. The convention program typically offers more than 500 events by 1,800 presenters. More information about the annual convention and other ABAI events is located here.
Program Board
Objective: To produce annual convention programs and to enhance their quality.
Board Coordinator
Mitch Fryling (2022–2025)
Program Committee Chair
Linda Hayes (2022–2025)
Council Liaison
Mark Galizio (2024–2025)
Program Area Coordinators
- AAB: Applied Animal Behavior—Jesús Rosales-Ruiz (2024–2028) and Mindy Waite (2023-2027)
- AUT: Autism—Yanerys Leon (2021–2025), Elizabeth Preas (2024–2028), and Kimberley Zonneveld (2023–2027)
- BPN: Behavioral Pharmacology and Neuroscience— Eric Thrailkill (2023–2027) and Maria Valdovinos (2024–2028)
- CBM: Clinical/Family/Behavioral Medicine—Alison Cox (2023–2027) and Amanda Muñoz-Martinez (2023–2027)
- CSS: Community, Social, and Sustainability Issues—Brett Gelino (2023–2027) and Kathryn Roose (2021–2025)
- DDA: Developmental Disabilities—Adam Briggs (2023–2027) and Patrick Romani (2021–2025)
- DEI: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—Jovonnie Esquierdo-Leal (2021–2027)
- EAB: Experimental Analysis of Behavior—Darlene Crone-Todd (2023–2027) and Marco Vasconcelos (2022–2026)
- EDC: Education—Andrew Bulla (2024–2028), Kerri Milyko (2022–2026), and Samantha Riggleman (2023–2027)
- LBD: Lifespan Behavioral Development—Jennifer Bruzek (2023–2027) and Kieva Hranchuk (2021–2025)
- OBM: Organizational and Behavioral Systems Analysis—Denys Brand (2023–2027) and Sharlet Rafacz (2022–2026)
- PCH: Philosophical, Conceptual, and Historical Issues—Andres Garcia-Penagos (2023–2027) and Caio Miguel (2021–2025)
- PRA: Practice—Claudia Drossel (2023–2026)
- SCI: Science—Jonathan Pinkston (2023–2026)
- VBC: Verbal Behavior and Cognition—Andresa De Souza (2024–2028) and Alice Shillingsburg (2022–2026)