Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Symposium #217
CE Offered: BACB
Evaluating Behavior Analytic Literature: Three Reviews
Sunday, May 29, 2022
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
Meeting Level 1; Room 156C
Area: PCH/VBC; Domain: Theory
Chair: Jessica Piazza (Endicott College)
CE Instructor: Jessica Piazza, Ph.D.
Abstract: Evaluation of the extant literature is important in shaping future publications. Specifically, behavior analytic researchers should consider the methods of design and analysis as well as the verbal behavior used in past publications. Review of this information can guide researchers to identify successful research methods and topics from the past and identify gaps in the literature that may strengthen our field. The three papers disseminated in this symposium will present reviews and interpretations of some extant literature and their implications for future research.
Instruction Level: Intermediate
Target Audience: Basic understanding of single subject and group design. Familiarity with the purpose of statistical analysis and its traditional applications.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) describe the relative prevalence of single subject design compared to group design in a behavior analytic journal; (2) list one useful application of citation analysis; (3) explain the utility of meta-analysis in behavior analysis.
The Progression of Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Applied Behavior Analysis
Allison Rader (The May Institute), Kevin Rader (Harvard University), JODI KATZ (Simmons University; May Institute), Justin B. Leaf (Autism Partnership Foundation)
Abstract: Single subject design and visual analysis have become the standard for conducting and interpreting research in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). These methods can be traced in behavioral literature from the early 1900s and were revolutionized by Skinner’s philosophy of radical behaviorism. This ultimately led to a divergence in methods between behaviorism and the rest of psychology. Skinner’s divergence from conventional methods of research (group design and statistical analysis) may have historical underpinnings. His unique methods and philosophy led to the establishment of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (EAB), Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABA). The prevalence of conventional methods of research in behavior analytic literature remains unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to (1) report the history of research methods and data analysis in ABA and JABA and (2) analyze trends in methods within JABA to determine whether they are progressive.
Building and Analyzing Citation Networks of Behavior Analytic Research Literature
JACOB SOSINE (Behavioral Health Center of Excellence)
Abstract: Science, at its heart, is a social enterprise composed of interlocking behavioral contingencies. Researchers use articles published by previous scientists to design and carry out their research, and they use feedback via science communication (e.g., peer review, conference presentations) to shape the content and context of their research. But studying the variables that influence and control the behavior of researchers can be challenging. One way we can objectively measure and analyze the interlocking behavioral contingencies of scientific efforts is through citation analyses. Citations are permanent products that connect topics and data across published research and that provide data on information exchange between authors. In this presentation, we report on the results of a citation analysis involving over 10,000 unique articles spanning five behavior analytic journals. Specifically, we built network graphs of contributions by different authors based and journals, keywords, and publication year. We also analyzed trends in topics studied and provide a visual representation of the scope of published behavior analytic research. Citation analyses can provide information on the history and advancements of scientific research within behavior analysis. Citation network graphs also can help behavior analysts explore and identify seminal publications, important citations, and underexplored topics in our scientific literature.
What Can Effect Sizes and Meta-Analyses do for Applied Behavior Analysis?
ART DOWDY (Temple University)
Abstract: Statistical analyses of single-case research design has made significant strides in the last decade – perhaps even statistically significant when compared to previous decades. On type of statistic that appears suitable for applied behavior analysis are effect sizes. To provide scope on these advancements, current research and approaches for using effect sizes with applied behavior analytic, single-case design research will be discussed. The talk will highlight and expand on points offered in the discussion paper named Meta-analyses and effect sizes in applied behavior analysis: A review and discussion published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Furthermore, the utility of effect sizes and meta-analyses in applied behavior analysis will be explored from both a researcher and clinician’s lens.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh