Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #215
CE Offered: BACB
Treatment Interventions for Children with Autism: Expanding the Toolbox
Sunday, May 29, 2005
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Continental A (1st floor)
Area: AUT; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Robert K. Ross (Beacon ABA Services)
Discussant: David M. Corcoran (Beacon ABA Services)
CE Instructor: Robert K. Ross, M.S.

This symposium will present outcome data from the use of instructional methods and formats that may not be widely used in programs for children with autism. Given the challenges that these learners present, it is imperative that behavior analysts make efforts to ensure be aware of and fluent in newer procedures that have data demonstrating efficacy. These procedures represent skills that can enhance the repertoires of practitioners and thus enhance learning outcomes for children with autism. The procedure to be reviewed include; video modeling procedures to teach play skills, the use of photographic activity schedules to increase food repertoires in selective eaters, and a comparison of rates of acquisition of the most commonly used methods for increasing the production of expressive language in children with autism.

Using Video Modeling to Teach Play Skills and Language to a Five-Year-Old with Autism
JOSEPH M. VEDORA (Beacon ABA Services), BethAnne Miles (Beacon ABA Services)
Abstract: Video modeling is a technique often used to teach children with autism. To date, video modeling has been used to teach a variety of social, play, academic and self-help skills. The present study used video modeling to increase play skills and accompanying play language with a 5 year old boy with autism. Specifically, the student viewed videos of his older sister engaging in familiar play routines while modeling the language of the activity. Prior to the intervention the student engaged in appropriate but non-verbal play. The results showed a rapid increase in appropriate play language. These results replicate previous research on teaching play and language skills.
Expanding Food Preferences with a Photographic Activity Schedule
KELLY KELM (Beacon ABA Services), Joseph M. Vedora (Beacon ABA Services), Robert K. Ross (Beacon ABA Services)
Abstract: Photographic activity schedules have been used to teach a variety of independent play, social, self-help, and academic skills in children with autism. In the present study, the use of an activity schedule was expanded to increase food preferences for a 3 year old boy with autism. The participant rapidly learned to follow a 3-5 item photographic activity schedule consisting of preferred and non-preferred play activities. Next non-preferred foods were introduced as a snack in the context of the activity schedule. Once successful with preferred foods, non-preferred foods were introduced. Results demonstrate that this student learned to accept previously non-preferred foods in the context of a photographic activity schedule. Additionally, the family noted significant improvements in behavior during the presentation of foods that historically evoked highly emotional responses. This study extends previous research in the use of activity schedules and offers a novel approach to expanding food preferences in children with autism.
Acquisition of Intraverbal Behavior for Two Young Children with Autism: A Systematic Replication
LAURA MEUNIER (Beacon ABA Services), Robert K. Ross (Beacon ABA Services)
Abstract: This study compared the effects of echoic prompts and textual prompts on acquisition of question answering for a 4-year-old boy and a 5 year-old boy with Autism. The authors taught the responses to 10 questions (e.g., what do you do with a phone?) using each type of prompt. For example in the echoic prompt condition, the teacher said “talk”, the child then imitated the statement. In the textual prompt condition, the typewritten words were presented to prompt the response and the student read the response. In both conditions a progressive time delay was used to fade the prompts. The data are discussed in terms of rate of acquisition and occurrence of spontaneous productions. Data indicate that more rapid acquisition and spontaneous production were seen in the textual prompt condition for both subjects. These results are consistent with previous research.



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