Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


32nd Annual Convention; Atlanta, GA; 2006

Event Details

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Special Event #8
Opening Event: Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis Awards - 2006 SABA Awards
Saturday, May 27, 2006
11:30 AM–12:50 PM
Centennial Ballroom I & II
Award for Distinguished Service to Behavior Analysis: James A. Dinsmoor, Ph.D.
Abstract: (Awarded posthumously) Dr. Dinsmoors award will be accepted by Mrs. Kay Dinsmoor.
PHILIP N. HINELINE (Temple University)
Dr. Philip Hineline (Temple University) will deliver an address titled In Honor and Memory of James A. Dinsmoor. Jim Dinsmoor was at the core of behavior analysis from its very beginnings and remained so throughout his career. He participated in the very first “proto-ABA convention,” the Conference on the Experimental Analysis of Behavior at Indiana University nearly sixty years ago. As a graduate student under Keller and Schoenfeld at Columbia, he provided advice on research strategy to Murray Sidman. Moving to the Midwest, he took up the flag for behavior analysis in the Psychology Department at Indiana University while Kay, his wife, ran the back office for the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. Over the years, Jim accomplished a remarkable series of incisive research projects focused upon key conceptual issues. The first of these was a struggle to untangle the complex contingencies of escape and avoidance conditioning, the interpretation of which is a matter of contention to this day. The most notable project, in my view, served to unmask the cognitivist interpretation of conditioned reinforcement. He showed that a conception in terms of “information” was a misleading characterization of the processes involved. Concurrently, Jim was a political activist, supporting controversial causes through his reputation for personal integrity. And of course, Jim was prominent in the action first at EPA, at MPA, at MABA, and at ABA; where he could be counted on for good humor as well as supportive and provocative wisdom.
Award for International Dissemination of Behavior Analysis: Joseph E. Morrow, Ph.D.
Abstract: This paper raises the issue of bringing behaviorism to our culture and to the world. It examines the question of vehicles that are available to us to reach this goal. Certain vehicles are specified and elaborated on. Finally, the issue of why behavioralize the world is addressed. It is argued that, given our understanding of contingencies of reinforcement, it may be time for behaviorists to begin talking about such important issues as war and poverty.
JOSEPH E. MORROW (Applied Behavior Consultants)
Dr. Joseph Morrow received his Ph.D. in experimental psychology from Washington State University in 1965. Since that time he has taught at California State University, Fullerton; Indiana University, South Bend; and California State University, Sacramento, from which he recently retired. For the past nineteen years he has been president of Applied Behavior Consultants (ABC), a 300-person firm providing Applied Behavior Analysis Services. ABC operates day schools and provides home services throughout California for children with autism and other special needs. In the last few years, ABC has opened behavioral schools in China and Bahrain as well as providing services in several other countries. Dr. Morrow will give a presentation titled Behavioralizing the World.
Award for Public Service in Behavior Analysis: Robert H. Horner, Ph.D.
Abstract: The potential value of applied behavior analysis for society is most likely to be realized if behavior analysts focus on expanding our unit of analysis, increasing the range of our outcome measures, and improving the accessibility of our technology. This will require a blending of rigorous behavioral science with a practical transfer technology. Six recommendations will be offered for how applied behavior analysts may extend impressive demonstrations of individual behavior change to demonstrations of large-scale social change. The basic thesis is that applying the principles of behavior analysis at scales of social significance will not occur from an awakening of society to the value of behavior analysis, but through efforts of behavior analysts to reach out and make behavior analysis relevant to the needs of society.
ROBERT H. HORNER (University of Oregon)
Dr. Robert Horner is a professor of special education at the University of Oregon. He took his undergraduate degree in psychology from Stanford University, his master’s degree in experimental psychology from Washington State University, and his doctorate in special education at the University of Oregon. His research during the past 25 years has focused on the design of instructional technology for individuals with severe intellectual disabilities, generalization, stimulus control, and, most recently, positive behavior support. During the past 12 years Dr. Horner has worked with Dr. George Sugai on implementation of school-wide positive behavior support, an application of behavior analysis at the whole-school level. This approach currently is being implemented in over 3000 schools, and, when blended with academic interventions, is associated with improvements in both social and academic gains of students. Dr. Horner is a former associate editor of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, a past editor of JASH (The Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps), and current co-editor of the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. His professional awards include the 1996 APA Fred Keller Educational Researcher Award and the 2002 AAMR Education Award. Dr. Horner will give a presentation titled Implementing Applied Behavior Analysis at Scales of Social Importance.
Award for Impact of Science on Application: Nathan H. Azrin, Ph.D.
Abstract: Laboratory studies of operant conditioning have justifiably been judged to provide the scientific basis for applied behavior analysis. Close examination of the specific procedures, methods of measurement, and behavioral generalizations reveals that very many of these laboratory procedures and findings have had little relevance to the procedures used in the area of applications. Successful applications have not been a direct translation of operant procedures but rather an exclusion of many of these operant procedures, a focus on several of the methodological features and development of several new procedures that have little or no relation to the laboratory programs. This analysis suggests that applied behavior analysis will continue to devise new treatments for complex, socially significant problems by continuing to develop new procedures that have not been central to the laboratory procedures and findings. The elements common to both endeavors appear to be specification, standardization, quantification, and experimental evaluation.
NATHAN H. AZRIN (NOVA Southeastern University)
Dr. Nathan Azrin is a professor at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He received his Ph.D. under B. F. Skinner at Harvard University in 1956. Azrin began his career doing basic laboratory research in operant conditioning, later shifting his focus to applied psychology, in which he has been a pioneer in establishing the field of applied behavior analysis. Many of the treatment/training programs he developed are now in widespread usage. Specific examples are the Token Economy or Point Reward Program (with Dr. Ayllon); use of time-out; and effective self-care programs for retarded persons including toilet training, nocturnal enuresis, dressing, proper mealtime skills, self-stimulation, aggression, and self-injury. He also developed programs for non-retarded persons including alcoholism, drug use, medication adherence, tics, stuttering, Tourette’s Disorder, Trichotillomania, marital dysfunction, classroom management, toilet training, nocturnal enuresis, the Job Club method for securing employment for the chronically unemployed, parent-youth problems, and Major Depressive Disorder. The great diversity of problems he has studied reflects his conviction that applied behavioral analysis is a rich conceptual strategy with unlimited avenues of treatment applicability. Dr. Azrin will give a presentation titled Impact of Science on Applied Behavior Analysis.
Award for Enduring Programmatic Contributions in Behavior Analysis: Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Abstract: Tony Cuvo, Ph.D. will accept the award on behalf of the Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program. In 1955, Guy Renzaglia founded the Rehabilitation Institute at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC). The goal of the Institute is to serve as an academic home for training professionals in various branches of rehabilitation. In the same year, Israel Goldiamond joined the faculty of SIUCs Department of Psychology. Iz was instrumental in recruiting Nathan Azrin to Southern Illinois to become the founding director of the Behavior Research Laboratory at Anna State Hospital, located some 20 miles south of Carbondale. Guy and Nate collaborated in 1965 to form the first Masters degree program in Behavior Modification in the United States, The program became one of several graduate programs within the Rehabilitation Institute. Ed Sulzer was hired as the Behavior Modification Programs founding coordinator. Since its inception, there has been a close working relationship between the academic program on campus and the former Anna State Hospital, now named the Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center. The state Hospital provided the program with the initial faculty and a site for students to acquire research and clinical experience. Ed Sulzer and Nate Azrin, along with Don Hake and Ted Ayllon (both also from Anna), designed the original academic curriculum. Subsequently, Richard Foxx and other behavior analysts provided supervision to program students in their positions at the state hospital. In 1982, the name of the program was changed to Behavior Analysis and Therapy to reflect, not only our evolving disciplinary terminology, but also the comprehensive nature of the curriculum. The program is accredited by the Association for Behavior Analysis. A doctoral program in Rehabilitation, including a behavioral specialty, was also added during the early 1980s. Students have been able to receive education and training in both basic and applied behavior analysis, as well as behavior therapy. Some areas of specialization over the decades have included developmental disabilities, child abuse and neglect, acquired head injury, gambling, stimulus equivalence, school intervention, behavioral medicine, sexual behavior, community behavior analysis, organizational behavior management, functional analysis of challenging behavior, and other topics. Two major clinical training and community service programs have been externally funded for a number of years...
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Award for Effective Presentation in the Mass Media: James Kauffman, Ed.D.
Abstract: In this presentation, I raise concern about a new racism often mistaken for cultural sensitivity and cultural competence. It is characterized by the assumption that skin color or heritage, usually said to designate a culture, makes an individual responsive or unresponsive to particular therapies, educational methods, or other efforts to teach, heal, or help. Markers of the new racism include misleading statements and hyperbole, the creation of politically charged but scientifically and logically questionable categories or groups, the assumption that group identity is more important than individual characteristics, and the use of inappropriate proxies in making treatment decisions. Better science is our best hope of combating the new racism, and I hope that applied behavior analysts will play an important role in checking out the idea that skin hue and heritage determine how someone responds to behavioral operations.
JAMES M. KAUFFMAN (University of Virginia)
James M. Kauffman, Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of Virginia, received his Ed.D. degree in special education from the University of Kansas in 1969. He is a past president of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD). Among his honors are the 2002 Outstanding Leadership Award from CCBD and the 1994 Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children. Besides the book Education Deform, published in 2002, he is author, editor, co-author, or co-editor of numerous publications in special education and related fields. One of his textbooks, Characteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Children and Youth, is widely adopted in special education and is now in its eighth edition. His most recent co-authored books are Special Education: What it is and Why We Need It; Learning Disabilities: Foundations, Characteristics, and Effective Teaching; Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A History of Their Education; the fourth edition of Managing Classroom Behavior: A Reflective Case-Based Approach; and the 10th edition of Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special Education. Dr. Kauffman will give a presentation titled Concerns about a New Racism.
2005 International Grant Awards
Abstract: The International Development Fund provides for three $1,000 International Development Grants to be awarded annually, through a competitive process. In 2005, the grants were awarded to support the following projects: Behavior Analysis Training in a Clinical Psychology Context, developed by Aldo Hernandez Barrios and Vladimir Bernal Alfonso (Universidad Catlica de Colombia, Unidad de Servicios Psicolgicos, Colombia) A University Training Program in Applied and Clinical Behavior Analysis in Tampere, Finland developed by Dr. Martti T. Tuomisto (Institute for Extension Studies, University of Tampere, Finland) Development of a BCBA Masters Degree Program, developed by Dr. Denis OHora (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland) 2006 Fellowship Awardees SABA Fellowships are awarded to doctoral students by way of a competitive process in two areas of concentration: Child Development and Experimental Analysis of Behavior. The Sidney W. and Janet R. Bijou Fellowship provides an annual fellowship to a doctoral student investigating child development from a behavior analyst perspective. Recipients in 2006 are Elizabeth Adams (University of Florida) and Sarah OConnor (National University of Ireland, Maynooth). The SABA Experimental Analysis of Behavior Fellowship provides an annual fellowship to a doctoral student in psychology or behavior analysis who is conducting research in the experimental analysis of behavior. The 2006 recipient is Bethany Raiff (University of Florida).
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