ABAI Webinar Series
ABAI's webinar series was created to disseminate information on research-based practice to applied behavior analysis practitioners. Webinars are free to current ABAI members to watch live. Within seven days, webinars will be available free to members for viewing in the webinar archives. Non-members may purchase past webinars at the links below.
Upcoming Webinars
America’s Reading Crisis: Recommendations from the Science of Behavior
Margaret Uwayo (Kalamazoo Academy for Behavioral Success)
Tuesday, March 18, 12:00 PM Eastern
Temporal Dynamics in Focus: A Primer for Behavioral Research and Practice
John Michael Falligant (Auburn University)
Tuesday, March 25, 11:00 AM Eastern
Past Webinars
Navigating SABA Grant Applications
Chris Newland, Claire St. Peter, and Jovonnie Esquierdo-Leal, Jessica Van Stratton (moderator)
Science-Informed Applications in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Dr. Terry Falcomata and Dr. Christopher Newland
Perspectives on Behavioral Complexity
Carol Pilgrim (University of North Carolina Wilmington) and Tim Hackenberg (Reed College)
Before the Potty Party: Preparing Practitioners for Practical and Person-Centered Toilet Training
Nicole Hollins (University of Virginia, EdBee Consultations)
Using Video Modeling for Intervention, Research and Training in Applied Behavior Analysis
Adriano Barboza (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
What About Coercive Interference with Positive Freedom?
Sonia Goltz (Michigan Technological University)
Applications of Behavior Analysis to Public Health
Crystal Slanzi (Temple University)
How Much Science Can You Fit in One Room? Applications of Applied Animal Behavior Analysis in a Clinical Setting
Terri M. Bright (MSPCA Angell)
Should Behavior Analysts Use Inferential Statistics?
Mikhail Koffarnus (University of Kentucky)
Why Should Applied Behavior Analysts Care About Quantitative Models of Behavior?
Federico Sanabria (Arizona State University)
Learning and Unlearning: Integrative Approaches to Understanding Environmentally Relevant Behavioral Mechanisms
Meredith Berry (University of Florida)
A Demonstration of Two-Stage Analysis of Delay Discounting Data Using R
Chris Franck (Virginia Tech)
Practical Ways to Train and Support Human-Service Staff
Florence D. DiGennaro Reed (University of Kansas)
Useful Facts Humans (and Behavior Analysts) Should Know about Sleep
Susan M. McCurry (University of Washington)
Neuroscience for Behavior Analysts: A Tutorial
Daniele Ortu (University of North Texas)
Legal and Clinical Essentials for Enforcing ABA Mandates, Ethical Billing, and Medical Necessity Documentation
Dan Unumb (Autism Legal Resource Center), Tim Courtney (BrightKyte)
Factors and Measures of Burnout in Practice and Considerations for Supervisory Systems
Anita Li (Western Michigan University)
Increasing Child Safety and Injury Prevention
Jason Vladescu (Caldwell University)
Science Communication in the Age of Misinformation
Michi Tobler (Division of Biology, Kansas State University)
Measuring the Effects of Psychotropic Medication on Challenging Behavior
Jennifer Zarcone (May Institute)
Functional Self-Care: Assessing and Designing Effective Self-Caring Practices
Shane Spiker (Positive Behavior Supports, Corp.)
Promoting Quality Feedback Conversations
Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)
The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Turns 10: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going
Jenni Pacheco (National Institute of Mental Health)
Creating Effective and Empowering Organizations: How to Love What You Do and Where You Do It
Kimberly Nix Berens and Kendra Newsome (Fit Learning)
The Science of Sleep and Daily Rhythms: How Sleep Habits and the Timing of Behaviors Affect Your Daily Life and Wellbeing
Andrew McHill (Oregon Health & Science University)
Using Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) With Suicidal Adolescents
Kurt Michael (Appalachian State University)
Biases and Blind Spots: Practicing With Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility in ABA
Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi (ULEZI, LLC)
Dysfunctional Practices That Kill Your Work Culture (And What to do About Them)
Timothy Ludwig (Appalachian State University)
Applied Behavior Analysis With Animals: What Practitioners With Humans and Animals Can Learn From Each Other
Claire St. Peter and Erica Feuerbacher
Treatment of Severe Destructive Behavior in Children With Autism Using Functional Communication Training
Wayne Fisher (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center)
Functional Assessment of Persistent Staff Performance Issues Using the Performance Diagnostic Checklist—Human Services
Tyra Sellers (Behavior Analyst Certification Board)
The Generalization of Mands
Caio Miguel (California State University, Sacramento)
Utilizing OBM Strategies in Clinical Practice
Janet Lund (Kadiant)
Beguiling SDs
Mickey Keenan (Ulster University)
Applications of Open Source and Open Science in Behavior Analysis
Shawn Gilroy (Louisiana State University)