Copyright and Permissions Policy
Authors must secure from both ABAI and the author written permission to reproduce a journal article in full or article text of more than 500 words. Some exceptions are made to these requirements, as specified below.
ABAI typically grants permission contingent upon consent of the author, inclusion of ABAI copyright notice on the first page of the reproduced material, and payment of a fee. Permission is for one-time use only, and further permission must be sought if the requested materials are to be used for multiple publications.
Use of a Single Table or Figure
Permission and fees are waived for those who wish to reproduce a single table or figure from a journal for noncommercial use, provided the author's permission is obtained and credit is given to ABAI as copyright holder and to the author in a complete citation. The citation should include author, article title, journal, volume number, issue number, page range, date, Association for Behavior Analysis International as the publisher, and the phrase “reprinted/adapted with permission.”
Authors Reproducing Their Own Material
Permission and fees are waived for authors who wish to reproduce their own material for personal use; fees only are waived for authors who wish to use more than a single table or figure of their own material commercially; permission from ABAI must still be sought.
Posting Articles Online
Authors of articles that have been published in The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, The Behavior Analyst, Behavior Analysis in Practice, or The Psychological Record may post a copy of their final manuscripts on their websites, but cannot scan articles from The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, The Behavior Analyst, Behavior Analysis in Practice, The Psychological Record, or from reprints. Manuscripts should not be posted on websites or servers other than the author's own. Posted articles must also include the following:
- an ABAI copyright notice and a link to the ABAI website
- the following statement: "This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in [The Analysis of Verbal Behavior/The Behavior Analyst/Behavior Analysis in Practice/The Psychological Record]. It is not the copy of record."
Library-Reserve Use
Permission and fees are waived for library-reserve use by instructors and educational institutions.
Non-commercial and Educational Endeavors
Permission and fees are required for those wishing to reproduce the works of other authors. Permission must first be granted by the original author, and proof must be supplied to ABAI before permission can be granted. The cost for personal and online use is $0.25 per journal page; the cost for journal and book use is $25 per article. Permission should be secured using the permission for reprints form.
College Course Packs
Fees only are waived for printed or online course packs used by instructors and educational institutions. Permission should be secured using the permission for reprints form.
Commercial Use
Those wishing to use journal articles for for-profit or commercial purposes must secure from both ABAI and the author written permission to use each article. ABAI typically grants permission contingent upon consent of the author, inclusion of ABAI copyright notice on the first page of the reproduced material, and payment of a fee of $30 per page. A copy of the author's written permission must accompany the permission for reprints form.
Non-authors requesting written permission for commercial use of a single table or figure will be assessed a $20 fee.
Use by Abstracting Services
Open access abstracting services may use unedited abstracts without the permission of ABAI or the author.
Download the permission for reprints form (.pdf).
Requests for permission to reprint material appearing in The Behavior Analyst, Behavior Analysis in Practice, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, or The Psychological Record should be sent to:
Association for Behavior Analysis International
550 West Centre Avenue, Suite 1
Portage, MI 49024-5364
Fax: 269-492-9316