Empowering Through Evidence: Innovations and Advocacy in Autism
January 17-19, 2025
Sheraton New Orleans Hotel; New Orleans, LA
Call for Posters
Submission Deadline: September 16th, 2024
Accept/Reject Notification: October, 2024
Poster Presentation Limits
An individual may be a presenting author on no more than two poster submissions. Submissions made in excess of this limit will be rejected.
Commitment to Present
By making a submission, presenters commit to register for and attend the conference to present their posters.
All submissions and presentations must be in English.
Poster Submission Guidelines
Posters are physical displays of information, usually reporting empirical research. Submissions must demonstrate that the work to be reported has scientific merit and is well advanced. Data-based posters, which require a graph or chart of data, will receive preference. Posters in the applied research and basic research domains must include a data attachment.
The following information is required in order to make a complete submission:
Please use title case when entering the title (e.g., Clinical Applications of Behavior Analysis: A Two-Part Study), not all lowercase or all capital letters. Please limit titles to 15 words (200 characters). Please spell out all acronyms. No ending punctuation or quotation marks around the title are necessary.
Program Area
"Autism" is the primary area for all submissions.
Adding a secondary area is optional. Select from the list of program areas found
Submission Domain
Categorize each submission as applied research, basic research, service delivery, theory, or translational, as defined here. Designating a domain for each submission allows conference attendees to make informed decisions about which presentations to attend.
The abstract must follow American Psychological Association style guidelines and be no fewer than 150 words and no more than 200 words. Abstracts should begin with a sentence stating why the topic is important and end with the general conclusion, relevance, or potential impact. All acronyms must be spelled out at first mention.
Data-Based Submission Abstracts
The abstract for a data-based presentation also must include (1) an overview of the types of participants, (2) an overview of the types of procedures, and (3) a statement of what the data showed, with what degree of confidence.
Supporting Graph or Table
Data-based submissions must include a graphic or tabular summary of obtained data. Data-based submissions without a supporting graph or table will be rejected. The data does not need to be complete at time of submission, but the abstract and graph/table must establish that the project is well under way. Graphs and tables submitted must be of professional quality and formatted according to APA Style. Attachments must be in a PDF file format and are limited to a single page. To avoid upload errors, limit your PDF file size to 1MB.
Submissions in the basic research or applied research domains must include data attachments. Submissions in the service delivery or theory domains may include data attachments if appropriate.
Please include up to four keywords (single words or two-word phrases) with each submission. Keywords should be as specific as possible (e.g., "reinforcement" or "autism" would be too general; "CPT," "insurance," or "telehealth" would be acceptable). Along with the domains, keywords will allow conference attendees to search for topics most relevant to them.
Funding and Conflict of Interest
Funding (Optional)
Submissions must include a description of the type of funding received for this submission (e.g., NIH or other research grants).
Conflict of Interest Notice (Required)
Submissions must include a declaration and identification of any potential conflict of interest (e.g., commercial support interest for sponsors, instructors, content of instruction, or any other relationship that could reasonably be construed as a conflict of interest). Please answer "N/A" if no conflict of interest exists.
Presenting Author, Author
A presenting author is required for every submission. To increase the impact and prestige of the poster session, an individual may serve as presenting author on no more than two posters. The Program Committee will reject posters where the presenting author does not adhere to these limits. Decisions on which poster(s) to reject will take into consideration the order in which submissions were made.
In addition to the presenting author, up to seven additional authors are allowed. These authors are not required to register for and attend the conference. When submitting online, you will be given the option to add an author by searching for a contact. You must provide a last name and full or partial email address in order to search. If the contact you search for is not displayed, you may add a new contact. The following information is required:
- Name
- Affiliation (if including more than one affiliation, separate with a semi-colon [e.g., Affiliation One; Affiliation Two])
- Valid email address (all correspondence will be sent to this address)
- Country (for presenting author only)
- Province/State (for presenting author only)
- Citizenship (for presenting author only)
Please do not add a new contact if the displayed email or affiliation is out of date. Instead, contact convention@abainternational.org with the updated information. This ensures there will not be multiple contact records for the same person.
Recommend a Book/Indicate Interest in an Author Signing (Optional)
If you would like to recommend a book for the ABAI bookstore, please provide the following:
- Title
- Authors as they appear in the book
- Publisher
- Year of publication
- Publisher/distributor contact
- ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- Track/area
If you would like to participate in an author signing event, please answer the following question:
- If you are an author on the above text, would you like to participate in an author signing?
Assurances, Photography Release, Confirmation of Submission Received
Data Assurance (Required)
Your completed submission is verification that you have permission to present the data and information in the submission. If submitting via email, type the following statement: "In making this submission, I affirm that the presenters in this event have been authorized to present the content and data and that the correct authors have been credited for the work presented."
Research Standards Assurance (Required)
You affirm that by making this submission, that all procedures described in this presentation conformed to the internationally recognized standards set forth for research involving human or animal subjects
Presentation Assurance (Required)
Your submission is acceptance of responsibility. If your submission is accepted, you guarantee that the presenting author (and chair, discussant, or panelist, as appropriate) will have current ABAI membership status, register for and attend the convention and deliver the presentation, as scheduled by the Program Board. Please note: Presenters who fail to deliver an accepted and scheduled presentation will not be permitted to present the following year. If submitting via email, type the following statement: "If my proposed presentation is accepted, I guarantee that the presenting author will register and attend the conference and deliver the presentation, as scheduled by the Program Board."
Conduct Assurance (Required)
All presenters at ABAI events are expected to abide by ABAI’s Ethics and Diversity policies. Discriminatory and derogatory language with respect to individuals or groups based on their personal characteristics (e.g., race, gender) will not be tolerated in presentations at ABAI.
Photography Release (Required)
You acknowledge that while at the ABAI event, you may be photographed by an ABAI-approved photographer. By making a submission, you are granting the Association for Behavior Analysis International permission to use your likeness in photograph(s) in any and all of its publications and in any and all other media, whether now known or hereafter existing, controlled by the Association for Behavior Analysis International, in perpetuity, and for other use by the association. You will make no monetary or other claim against the Association for Behavior Analysis International for the use of the photograph(s).
Language Assurance (Required)
You affirm that your submission uses language that reflects our values of equity and inclusion of all cultures and groups and adheres to the guidelines outlined in the Call for Submissions Handbook.
Submission Confirmation
For each submission, each author listed will receive a confirmation email containing a submission ID number; said email serves as confirmation that the submission has been received and saved in the convention database. Please keep the submission ID number for your records to reference when communicating with the ABAI office. You may review the submission at any time by returning to the "Call for Papers Entry" section of the portal. If you do not receive a submission confirmation email, do not resubmit. Please contact the ABAI office at convention@abainternational.org.