Sigrid S. Glenn
University of North Texas
Email Dr. Sigrid S. Glenn
Dr. Sigrid Glenn's passionate commitment to the future of behavior analysis has resulted in numerous contributions to her chosen field. She has co-authored four books and more than 45 articles and book chapters. Although her early research was mainly in applied areas, she is widely recognized for her later conceptual work on selection at behavioral and cultural levels. As founding chair of the Department of Behavior Analysis at the University of North Texas, Dr. Glenn established master's and bachelor's degree programs in behavior analysis, leading the faculty in the first accreditation of a graduate program by ABAI. With characteristic prescience about important developments in the field, Dr. Glenn, a charter certificant of the Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB), also led the faculty in developing the first Internet sequence of behavior analysis courses approved by the BACB. Dr. Glenn has served as editor of The Behavior Analyst and on the editorial boards of several other journals. She is a former president of ABAI (1993-1994), a fellow of Division 25 of the American Psychological Association, and Regents Professor of Behavior Analysis at the University of North Texas.