Ron Van Houten
Western Michigan University
Email Dr. Ron Van Houten
Dr. Van Houten received his BA from SUNY at Stony Brook and his MA and Ph.D. from Dalhousie University, where he received training in the experimental analysis of behavior. He is currently Professor of Psychology at Western Michigan University. Dr. Van Houten has published extensively in JABA on a wide variety of problems, such as the education of inner city youth and children with "learning disabilities," the treatment of children and adults with developmental delays, the treatment of clinical problems in children, traffic safety, energy conservation, and aviation safety. Currently Dr. Van Houten is a member of the Transportation Research Board and a member of the National Committee for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. He is a past AE for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and a Fellow of ABAI. Dr. Van Houten is also an avid pilot of power aircraft and gliders and a flight instructor.