Michael Davison
Auckland University
Email Dr. Michael Davison
Michael Davison has been working in the experimental analysis of behavior for over 40 years. He completed his Ph.D. in 1969 and his DSc in 1984, and is now Professor Emeritus at Auckland University, New Zealand. He has authored some 150 papers, mostly in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, and one book. He has served on the ABAI Executive Council, on the SEAB Board, and on the SQAB Board. He received an award from SABA for international contributions to behavior analysis, a silver medal for research from the Royal Society of New Zealand, and lifetime contributions awards from APA Division 25 and from the New Zealand Association for Behaviour Analysis. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and of ABAI. His interests lie in quantitative analyses of choice and reinforcement. His focus has always been on collecting very extensive, very high-quality data.
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