ABAI Program Committee Meeting |
Sunday, May 27, 2012 |
8:00 AM–8:50 AM |
401 (Convention Center) |
Domain: Service Delivery |
Chair: Ramona Houmanfar (University of Nevada, Reno) |
Abstract: #none# |
Applied Animal Behavior (AAB) |
JENNIFER L. SOBIE (University of Illinois), Kennon A. Lattal (West Virginia University) |
Autism (AUT) |
JEFFREY H. TIGER (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Dorothea C. Lerman (University of Houston-Clear Lake) |
Abstract: #none# |
Behavioral Pharmacology (BPH) |
KAREN G. ANDERSON (West Virginia University), Jonathan W. Pinkston (University of North Texas) |
Clinical; Family; Behavioral Medicine (CBM) |
THOMAS J. WALTZ (US Veterans Administration), Scott T. Gaynor (Western Michigan University) |
Community Interventions; Social and Ethical Issues (CSE) |
PATRICIA BACH (Illinois Institute of Technology), Mark P. Alavosius (University of Nevada, Reno) |
Developmental Disabilities (DDA) |
JENNIFER M. ASMUS (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Anjali Barretto (Gonzaga University) |
Human Development (DEV) |
HAYNE W. REESE (West Virginia University), Martha Pelaez (Florida International University) |
Experimental Analysis of Behavior (EAB) |
ROBERT W. ALLAN (Lafayette College), Matthew C. Bell (Santa Clara University) |
Education (EDC) |
JENNIFER L. AUSTIN (University of Glamorgan), Cynthia M. Anderson (University of Oregon) |
Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) |
HEATHER M. MCGEE (Western Michigan University), Lori H. Diener (Performance Blueprints, Inc.) |
Practice (PRA) |
JENNIFER R. ZARCONE (Kennedy Krieger Institute), Ronnie Detrich (Wing Institute) |
Science (SCI) |
M. CHRISTOPHER NEWLAND (Auburn University) |
Teaching Behavior Analysis (TBA) |
JESSICA SINGER-DUDEK (Teachers College, Columbia University), Grant Gautreaux (Nicholls State University) |
Theoretical, Philosophical, and Conceptual Issues (TPC) |
PER HOLTH (Akershus University College), Marleen T. Adema (Bangor University) |
Verbal Behavior (VRB) |
CAIO F. MIGUEL (California State University, Sacramento), Anna I. Petursdottir (Texas Christian University) |
Continuing Education (CE) |
RICHARD W. MALOTT (Western Michigan University), Maria E. Malott (Association for Behavior Analysis International) |
Abstract: #none# |
Carrots and StickK: Using Accountability Contracts to Get Things Done |
Sunday, May 27, 2012 |
5:00 PM–5:50 PM |
6BC (Convention Center) |
Chair: Richard W. Malott (Western Michigan University) |
Carrots and StickK: Using Accountability Contracts to Get Things Done
Abstract: Yale professor and co-founder of commitment website, stickK.com, speaks about how to better craft incentives to achieve your personal and professional goals. |
IAN AYRES (Yale Law School) |
Ian Ayres is a lawyer and an economist. He is the William K. Townsend Professor at Yale Law School, the Anne Urowsky Professorial Fellow in Law, and a Professor at Yale's School of Management. Ian has published 11 books (including the New York Times best-seller, Super Crunchers) and over 100 articles on a wide range of topics. His latest book is Carrots and Sticks: Unlock the Power of Incentives to Get Things Done. In 2010, he also published Lifecyle Investing (with Barry Nalebuff). Ian is a co-founder of stickK.com, a web site that helps you stick to your goals. In 2006, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His book with Greg Klass, Insincere Promises: The Law of Misrepresented Intent, won the 2006 Scribes book award "for the best work of legal scholarship published during the previous year." Professor Ayres has been ranked as one of the most prolific and most-cited law professors of his generation. See James Lindgren & Daniel Seltzer, The Most Prolific Law Professors and Faculties, 71 CHI.-KENT L. REV. 781 (1996); Fred R. Shapiro, The Most-Cited Legal Scholars, 29 J. LEGAL STUD. 409 (2000). The Chronicle of Higher Education referred to Ayres as "a law-and-economics guru." |
Tribute to Edward L. Anderson: Celebrating His Life and Contributions to Behavioral Science |
Sunday, May 27, 2012 |
6:00 PM–6:50 PM |
613/614 (Convention Center) |
Chair: Philip N. Chase (Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies) |
Presenting Authors: |
Please join us for a special tribute to Edward L. Anderson, a long time friend and supporter of the Cambridge Center For Behavioral Studies, ABAI, and the field of behavior analysis, who passed away on February 9, 2012. Joe Layng will host the event with Phil Chase and others presenting some remarks to celebrate Ed’s life and contributions. |